Author Topic: Resistance of the New York superhero wanabies  (Read 1558 times)

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Resistance of the New York superhero wanabies
« on: May 15, 2010, 10:56:55 PM »
"New York City a busling metropolis on the east coast of the united states. One of the most diverse and one of the most influential places on earth. That is why Subvisser Six you will be put in charge of this location: capture as many influential figures, anyone from U.N. diplomats to gang leaders, as you can." the subvisser was barely paying attention the human host was an obnoxious nusance and without the benefit of listening. He relaxed. His leeran host was in biostatus.
"You've got an nice foothold in manhatan I suggest you spread out from there. Oh, and just so you know you'll reiceive buisness instructions from us on a daily basis."
"Why did you have to give me this host of all of them he thinks he's equal to a deity apparently you should have chossen someone less annoying than this 'Mr.Trump'"

Anyway storyline our main characters are costumed vigilantes. Complete nerds who have desperatly from a young age wanted to become superheroes. They discover during a fight that earth is being invaded by aliens.

1. No God-modding aka making you character ridicuolosly powerful etc.
2. No mary-sues or people who are nice and perfect in everyway.
3. No alien or nothlit charcters.
4. There may only be one ninja.
5. Characters must be nerdy in at least one aspect.

Six character slots are open. We will start when four are filled.

Oh and by the way I will be playing the part of Donald Trump. I mean Subvisser Six.
We must extract the truth from this unbeliever on pain of torture! Get...THE COMFY CHAIR!