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Trials of a Mad Guitar Player

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Not gonna be a new chapter tonight. Gotta work early tomorrow, so I'm hitting the hay :/

Whoo, it's been a couple days. Things just got a little busy on my end.

Chapter 3
“So what brings you back around here?” TJ asked. He and gh sat in an old-fashioned coffee shop about a block from the guitar store. “I haven't seen you around in forever.”

gh shrugged. “Y’know, just wanted to see the old stomping grounds again.” True, he could have found a new guitar amplifier anywhere. “Kinda been missing the mean streets of suburban New York.”

TJ snorted a laugh into his coffee. “Right. Like there's anything to do around here anyway.” gh smiled at this. TJ definitely seemed more lucid than he was before gh left.

“No ****. How you been doing, anyway?”

“Hell of a lot better than I used to be,” TJ said, shaking his head. “I've been clean ever since . . . well, you know. Haven't even touched weed since then.”

“Hell yeah, man!” gh high-fived his old friend from across the table. “I've been trying to quit smoking lately, and that's a struggle. I can only imagine the kind of **** you went through.

“Yeah . . .” TJ stared absentmindedly at his coffee for a few long seconds. “Hey, can we talk about something else? This is kinda bumming me out.”

“Yeah, sorry. You still playing bass?”

“Eh, I've been thinking of getting back into it,” TJ said before finishing off his drink. gh had finished his a solid few minutes before. “Had to sell my old stuff a while back to keep up with rent. You still playing?”

“You could say that,” gh replied with an amused grin. “I got probably five or so guitars sitting around, and that's just at my living space.”

“Nice. Where are you living at, anyway?”

For a moment, gh considered how to answer the question. “Eh, I've been bouncing around the east coast,” he said, ultimately deciding to weave his way around the question. He was always careful about revealing his RAFian status, especially after his less-than-favorable conversation with his father.

“Yeah, I guess everyone's trying to get out of this pisshole.” TJ tossed his cup into the nearby trash can. “You still keep in contact with any of the old band?”

“Nah, I guess I haven't had the time.”

“Shame. I heard from from Dimitri the other day, he mentioned you.”

gh stared at TJ for a good few moments as if the dreadlocked bassist had four heads. “Wait, Dimitri?” he finally managed to spit out. Is he sure he's off the gear?

“Yeah. Said he's been dying to talk to you again.”

“Uh, TJ,” gh started, more than just a little confused. “Did you ever hear what happened between us while you were in rehab?”

“No,” TJ said with a shrug. “Actually, I hadn't even heard from D until the other day. Kinda weird, running into you right after talking to him. What happened?”

“It's really not important,” gh said hurriedly.

“Either way, you might want to text him sometime. He's still got his old number.”

“Yeah, I'll do that,” gh said maybe a little too quickly, already standing up for the door. “It's been quite a while. Hey, I gotta catch a bus back home soon.”

“”Oh,” TJ vocalized with a confused look on his face. “Take care of yourself, man.”

gh nodded while already moving for the door. “Yeah, you too.” With that, gh was on his way back to RAF as fast as his legs could carry him.


Well -- this complicates things . . .

Very much so ;)

New chapter

Chapter 4
“And that's pretty much it,” gh concluded.

“Let me get this straight,” Cloak said. “You ran into TJ, he mentioned that Dimitri is still alive, and then you come back to us and go on a fifteen-minute tirade about the coffee that you drank.”

“Yeah, that was some really bad coffee.” This prompted a smack from Cloak.

“There's no way this is legit,” Hunter said. gh chose him and Cloak to tell this to, since they were the only two to know about gh’s life before joining RAF.

“I swear to god, that's what happened,” gh replied, drawing a sigh. “It really was that bitter. They must have roasted those beans for-”

“Priorities, gh,” Cloak cut in. “What are your thoughts on the more important matter?”

gh raised an eyebrow. “Huh? ‘More important matter?’”

Hunter snorted a laugh. “I think he's talking about Dimitri, hun.”

“Oh! Why didn't you just say that?”

Cloak’s palm soon connected with his forehead.

“Anyway, gh said, ignoring Cloak’s obvious exasperation, “I honestly have no clue. I guess it's possible that he survived, but why would he just be seeking me out now? Why would he wait this long?”

“Maybe he wanted to lull you into a false sense of security,” Cloak offered.

gh shook his head. “I don't think so. Dimitri’s not the kind of person to wait this long to get back at me. He would have hit back as soon as he could.”

“Either way you slice it,” Hunter said, “it doesn't make sense. Maybe he just wants to talk?”

“I guess that's a possibility.”

“Even though I have a bad feeling about this, it seems like that's the only likely situation.”

“So, what are you going to do?” Hunter asked. Without saying a word, gh nodded, stood up, and left the room.

“gh, what are you doing?” Cloak asked, a bit of concern in his voice.

“Isn't it obvious?” gh called back. “Making coffee that isn't freaking rancid!”

“Do you really want a repeat of the bathtub incident!?”

“Oh, stuff it!” gh said, running back into the room. “Anyway, Dimitri. I dunno, I guess I can't just ignore this, right?” He waited for an objection from Hunter or Cloak, but neither said anything. “I guess I'll try to contact him. If he's planning to try anything, I'll deal with that when I come to it.”

“You sure things won't get out of hand?” Hunter said.

“No. But I'm not just gonna ignore the opportunity to talk to him.” gh took out his cell phone and pulled up a contact that he hadn't viewed in a long time. “This is probably gonna be the dumbest thing I've ever done. . . .”

“Aside from the bathtub of-”

“Shut up, Cloaky.”


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