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Shirts and Bumper Stickers!

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Wow, as a die-hard Animorphs fan from the time I was eight until the present, it's amazing I wasn't on this forum sooner!
Sooo I've been thinking.. I really, really, REALLY want animorphs paraphinalia. Shirts and stickers! ^_^

I'm trying to think of more ideas. So far, I'm making a shirt tonight that says "What would Elfangor do?" with his siloette. But I'm planning on doing photoshop for more and sticking them on at anyone have any suggestions?

Also.. anyone want to help with the photoshop stuff? Teehee!
Hmm.. think that this would be better served in the fanart ish section?

I really really really want official Animorphs stuff...I always wish Hot Topic would make them.  Even though I don't like their stuff very much, they do have a lot of those old '80s and '90s tshirts and things.

I have been considering stenciling or appliquéing the <A> logo onto a tshirt to make my own. xD

Also, there are already Animorphs merchandise on cafepress.  But if you make some shirts, I think you should make some with animal print.  That would be awesome.

I know, The Lady, aka CimplyBe, did them for a looong time ago. I just want some that SCREAM Animorph geek! ^_^

Nomad Frog:
Hey, right on!  I made my own RAFCast t-shirt transfer a while back (seeing as I'm on the rafcast).  I could never think of any other Animorphs stuff to make for others, though, but good luck! :)

If I come up with any, I'll definitely be posting here, hehe.  I like that "WWED?" idea.  Maybe have one for each character, as stickers?  "What would Jake Do?" and I can see a lot of people who would like a "What Would Marco Do?" one. 

Edit: I ALMOST made a "Bun-zuh" t-shirt too.  Just remembered that one.

If hot topic made them they would probably have a bunch that said INSANE! on them or had a hork bajir on it with hork bajir language. It would have to be aliens on it because the animoprhs really were nothing special in the looks department, except Tobias and Ax. Now have a T-Shirt that said Andalite Aristh or Andalite Military Academy or UAST. Thought speak bracket ts would be awesome. There is so much you could do with it. The stickers would also be interesting. I know there would be a bunch of The Sharing merchandise and stickers.


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