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Offline V2113

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Powers United
« on: November 17, 2008, 11:42:18 PM »
   This is similar to Animorphs but it's still different in many ways. If it had a theme song it would be 'I found a way' by Drake Bell. I only just began writing it so...

   Chapter 1

   My name is Alora.

   I was just your average kid a few days ago. Funny, how it was only a few days ago.

   It was Halloween and me, my friend Emma, her friend Danielle, Emma's cousin Ryan, and his friends Adam and Nick were out trick or treating together. We were dressed as Victoria, Victor, Mrs. Plum, Mr. Von Dort, Mrs. Von Dort, and Emily from The Corpse Bride. I was Emily, Em was Mrs. Plum, Dani was Victoria, Adam was Victor, Ryan was Mr. Von Dort, and Nick was Mrs. Von Dort. Nick had stuffed ten water balloons in  the top of the shirt and put toilet paper all around it. It was hysterical! He kept fiddling with Adam's shirt the way that she did it in the movie and he kept trying to fake kiss Ryan. I could swear that Adam and Dani spent a lot of time closer to each other as we went. It could've been that they were just playing the part of Victor and Victoria, but I felt that there was something deeper going on there...

   We had come upon a large mansion. It would be the last house to do before we all headed back to my place. It was creepy. Very creepy...

   "Umm, do we have to go in there?" Nick asked. "I mean, it's not that I'm scared or anything but my bag seems to be getting awfully full. And I am a very weak individual you know."

   "Awww. Is ickle-Nicky-kinz scared?" Emma taunted. "I'll go up and get your candy if you're too CHICKEN!"

   "No. Actually it was because, um, it was, I, um." Nick stuttered. He was a little embarrassed." 'cause I hoped you girls wouldn't be too scared of the big ole' mansion." He had said the wrong thing.

   "Oh, yeah. We're sooo scared. We would love to have you to help us up the stairs, that is if you aren't too tired out from holding that teensy little purse." Emma said sarcastically. "Just because we're girls doesn't mean-"

   "Actually. I would like to have some one to go up there with. Unlike you Em, I am deathly afraid of spiders and snakes seeing as my dad was killed by both." Dani said choking up at the end.

   A moment of silence fell. Dani had told me about how she came downstairs one morning to have breakfast and saw her dad on the floor dying from five different poisonous bites from animals that lived nowhere near there. The doctors had said that they were mosquitos, cobras, and spiders. He had told her one thing before he died. It never made any sense to any of us. He said, "The Humists know that evil lurks in Earth's corners. Dani. Stay away from the Evlians." And then, he died. None of us had ever heard of a Humist. Or an Evlian. It was probably just delusions but it meant something to Dani. It was the last thing she had ever heard him say, after all. Days later her mom disappeared and she was sent to live with her dad's sister Amy and her husband Billy. They are cruel people. They pay no attention to her whatsoever. I guess she doesn't mind though, she likes to be alone with her dreams.

   "Anyway, I'd prefer if they went in with us," she said finally. I put my hand on her shoulder.

   "It's okay, I'd prefer if they went in with us too. How about you Emma?" I said softly.
   "Actually, I-" she started. She saw my expression, gulped, then continued, "I think it would be better if we all went together. So I can hold Nicky's hand if he gets scared." She wouldn't completely give up, she'll probably be taunting Nick 'til the day she dies.

   "Okay, let's go," I said and started up the long winding path.
I used to be V, before that I was Tobiasfan21. Then I disappeared for several months after being kidnapped by the Twilight series. Don't make me talk about it, it was horrible. Now, I'm V2113.

I am currently a Heroes fan who enjoys writing more than anything in the world.

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Re: Powers United
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2009, 09:37:58 PM »
I guess there are some similarities to the Animorphs in some of the characters(I immediately identified Emma as Rachel) but overall, this seems really cool. The Humists and Evilians seem original. Nice cliffie ending, too! I'd love to see more of this.