Author Topic: Group Re-Read 2.0 #43 The Test  (Read 1813 times)

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Group Re-Read 2.0 #43 The Test
« on: November 10, 2012, 11:35:51 AM »
Tobias is about to face his biggest fear....
Taylor's returned.  And this time she's talking about big changes; Yeerk against Yeerk, civil war, over-throwing Visser Three and destroying the Yeerk Pool. Tobias doesn't like the idea of working with his former tormentor, but this is a chance they've been waiting for since the beginning. And no one is excited about Taylor's plan to get to the pool this time; Taxxon morph....

   1. Tobias begins the book by rescuing a deaf kid lost in the woods. What do you think his actions, and the consequences of the Animorphs engaging in everyday heroics?

   2. Taylor returns in this book, with a notable change in methods. What do you think of seeing her again, her plans, and her interest in Tobias? What do you think was the fate of this Yeerk; could it have survived?

   3. What do you think of the Animorphs working to destroy the pool this way? Several of them voice concerns it was ruthless and Yeerk-like; was it? Would you have agreed to such a plan? In Tobias's place would you have agreed to work with Taylor at all?

   4. What are your thoughts on Cassie choosing not to take part in this mission? What about her stopping the gas flow at the end, saving the Animorphs and the YPM?

   5. What do you think about Tobias's character in this book? This is his first narration since his torture, how do you think the event has changed him since the series began? Where does he go from here?

   6. Tobias and Ax take on the form of one of the most detested creatures in the series: a Taxxon. What are did you think of this creature, as a morph and as an ally of the Yeerks, in this book and throughout the series?  What aspects of its life are you most interested in, what about the creature do you like, or think are poorly done? The Taxxon hunger is expressed as being based on an unquenchable fear of starving: what do you think about fear driving the Taxxons to a single purpose existence?

   7. Approximately when is the last time you read this book? What changes do you expect or would like to see in a re-release?

   8. Anything else?

Answer, ignore and submit your own questions and comments as you please; but remember to vote!

Next week: #43 The Unexpected

Something, something, oh crap I pissed everyone off again....

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Re: Group Re-Read 2.0 #43 The Test
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2012, 06:29:48 PM »
Tobias only gets one more book after this, right? Kind of dumb to have him go on and on about the torture, then imply that he'll be all right at the end maybe, and then just barely have any time to bring it up.

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Re: Group Re-Read 2.0 #43 The Test
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2013, 12:18:25 PM »
   1. This one time I'm going to be less than cynical. Magic bird saves scared deaf kid. Touching. Couldn't have figured he'd have been caught because of that and another bird, so while the risk of losing cover by doing this kind of thing is always great, this time it was bad luck more than anything else.

   2. Okay, not a terrible return, but it seems like it was done mostly to mess with Tobias again. Her treason was well concealed at first, but the true plan much more fitting. This book is where I really see the contrast between her and Rachel. Rachel wants to be with Tobias to help him, Taylor wants to be near him to make him suffer. Since they made of point of saying she could survive this type of damage, they should have given an answer. She's probably gone or she'd have made another appearance, but it seems like she should be alive, though perhaps not the host.

   3. I don't see this as much worse than what they did end up doing to the pool, but that doesn't make un-ruthless, un-Yeerkish. This is where you start throwing out the word terrorist, subjugating those without authority to harm in order to change the system. It still was a major opportunity, and I think that it was fair of them to take part, I would as well, but this is something that could have weighed particularly heavy on ones consciousness. I think it was dumb of Tobias to go in though. He wanted to prove to himself he could handle Taylor, but this was an atrocious way to do it.

   4. Everything works out for Cassie ::). With the above, I can't fault her too much, but it's so hard not to because she did it as much to avoid hurting herself as she did the people of the pool. It's hard to like the person who is infallible, but the results are good (though saving the peace movement, good, not very relevant.)

   5. As above, Tobias tried too hard to show what he is and is not by dealing with Taylor, because above all else he's failing to keep his identity through the series. Think about his books: Having to deal with being a boy living as a bird, getting the morphing power back and constantly having to weigh which life he wants most, finding out about his lost family, and 33 basically jammed all that back in his face, and he doesn't know how to cope. Oddly enough Taylor's final disappearance seems to subside some of these issues, but I think Tobias has gone to be less and less sure of what he his and what he wants, and is continuously trying to find new ways to reconcile what he is with what he wants.

   6. Above all the fear element is gripping about the Taxxon form. I can't pretend I know what it's like, I've never been starved but there are times that I sit down at the table and look at what I have, and don't, and what others do and don't, and I feel far in the back of my mind a panic. A knowledge that my sustenance is based on luck, that it can go away in a moment, and I fear. And the hunger grows.  Beyond that, well Taxxons have impressed and disappointed a couple times, but the body is still loathsome. Exoskeleton at that size. That there is still a mind in such a vile body, underneath a terrible instinct I think is the most amazing thing. How they didn't all go at the end. A fascinating race all in all.


   8. It strikes me these days that Tobias morphed into an attractive young woman in this book. I don't know why, maybe a certain fanfic since it didn't bother me a few years ago, but now, I just find that an...interesting experience to put in the book.
Something, something, oh crap I pissed everyone off again....