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Eden Rising
« on: May 13, 2010, 09:00:38 PM »
((Here's something more...significant for you to peruse. It's a story that I've been working on for some time and putting a lot of effort into. ;) Any similarities to real persons or events are purely coincidental. Mostly. >D ))


Word reached some colonies faster, and others at a snail’s pace. It was whispered from person to person along the streets, talked about in the highest circles of society, calling forth the strongest of forgotten desires and the worst of hidden fears. Still, despite all the talk, high and low, no one believed it.

“The King is dead.”

The thought was preposterous, even foreign. King Xenos couldn’t be dead.  Xenos was barely thirty years old, and in any case he was a “mech”, a humanoid machine.  Mechs, as far as anyone knew (and the idea of living forever was a new one), did not age. Xenos was the best fighter in the country, and could take any of the other lords single-handedly. No one could defeat him, and most did not want to. He was their symbol of hope. Their light in the darkness.

Yet, in a cold room inside the base of a creature unknown yet feared, cogs and machinery turned away, dripping with the blue blood of the king.

Breathing harshly, standing in the broken room with a look of mad triumph on his face, was a lone mech. The mech was shaking terribly, as if he were about to fall apart at any moment. Black scars covered every inch of his exposed metal body, and wires sizzled and seared every second. His green eyes were cracked and muddled, blurring his already terrible vision. Despite all of this, however, the mech was happy. His nightmare, King Xenos, was gone and dead.

Unlike the good king, this mad creature, with his lust for life, would survive.

He would probably become a king himself.  

Or perhaps an emperor instead.


Research Facility Number Eight-Hundred and Twenty-Seven was never hospitable, even in its better days. The entire place consisted of twenty gray buildings, rusted with age and a complete lack of attention to their upkeep. It was, like most facilities of its type, located in an odd man-made valley of sorts that dipped inwards like a hole, with the buildings at the center. Deviant Reform Division members surrounded the valley on its edge; their weapons trained at the center spot in case of any sudden movements by its occupants. But such guard was a bit overdone for the most part. The facility boasted one of the Empire of Mechanicae’s top security systems, custom-built right at the facility itself.

For Number Eight-Hundred and Twenty-Seven was the grounds where such security devices were made.

In the seventeenth building of the twenty buildings in the valley, inside a small, unpleasant, twelve-by-fifteen cell, there lived a young human girl whose job it was to test all of these security systems. Her name was Meg. Just Meg. It’s not like humans were given last names.

Meg was Asian, although it’s not like Meg would ever know this. Things were no longer defined in terms of race. At least, not the kind of race that humanity was once so obsessed with. In Meg’s world, you were either machine or human, and humanity was enslaved. Non-sentient. Barely worth enough to shine the feet of a proper, upstanding machine. Meg had long, disheveled black hair and dark brown eyes.

These eyes however, were unique. They were very, very alert.

Meg closely examined the walls of her tiny prison, analyzing their substance. Hmm. They’re made of a high-quality alloy. Too hard to break with anything less than a freaking bulldozer. The bars are more bendable. If I had the right tools, I could do it. I will eventually. Meg glanced to the ceiling. Invisible camera right on the left-hand side. I’ve been to the camera room before. Cameras all along the walkway. This is going to be really complicated. Such musings helped Meg pass the time between examinations and tests. For that was all Meg’s life was. A long series of tests, each more difficult and exciting than the last.

Meg had tested every collar, every security gate, every fence, every wall, and every computer system ever made to keep anything in (at least, in this region) ever. In this case, biology really was destiny. Meg was biologically engineered to escape from everything that Number Eight Hundred and Thirty-Seven had to throw at her. Naturally, Number Eight Hundred and Twenty-Seven’s defenses were also engineered to stop Meg. The facility’s most recent security system had passed “the Meg test.” Meg had been doing a lot of thinking however, and now she was fairly sure that she had figured out how to beat it. A grin formed on her face. Look out, you DRD bastards. Nothing’s going to stop me now. HAH! You just try! T

The plan was fairly simple, if not the greatest plan ever (as Meg called it.) The only problem was that the whole thing hinged on there being another person to help Meg, and Meg had yet to actually locate one willing soul. None of the other humans in the facility liked Meg, as Meg’s job granted her what passed for special treatment from the place. As in, the “kind folks” who ran it didn’t call her “pond scum” and whip her with an electric shock every five minutes. Life in the Pits really wasn’t pretty, and nobody liked a person who could get away with three semi-edible meals a day. It wasn’t like the employees were going to help her either. She’d asked.

Today, however, was Meg’s day. Meg just knew it somehow; from the way the blaring, mildly annoying bell rang for breakfast in…exactly the same way it always did. Oh well. Meg yawned and sat up, quickly stretching and bending in awkward positions to iron out the cramps in her body. The beds in Number Eight Hundred and Twenty-Seven were so awkwardly designed that rumor had it that the company that manufactured this sub-standard crap had actually made them that way on purpose.  Meg figured that the rumor wasn’t too far off from the truth.

The camera-filled hallway that the door in Meg’s cell hissed open to reveal was extremely dull, and it was one that Meg had seen every single day of her life. Meg counted the seconds numbly until the DRD guard who led her to breakfast would show up. Seven…six…five…four…three…there he is. Three seconds early. Go figure. The worst part about meeting this guy every day was that he treated her like a child. I mean, come on! Meg was nine years old!

“Good morning sweetie,” the guard said in a reprehensible, condescending voice. “It’s time for your breakfast, you know. You can’t sleep in forever.”

Meg grumbled an incredibly unintelligible response. The guard slanted his head awkwardly towards Meg’s voice.

“What was that, dear?” he said in a childish whisper. “You’ll have to speak up. DRD guard senses weren’t made for cute little human voices.”

Meg groaned, glaring at the guard. “Listen, Twenty-Three. Can we just get this over with and go to breakfast? My stomach is rumbling and I think I might be in for a good day. Maybe.”

The guard smiled. Or, well sort of. Twenty-Three was pretty much faceless, as he was part of the 35LX robotic overseer series. This translated to a pretty imposing and utterly inhuman appearance. Your friendly neighborhood taskmasters. This meant that for more reasons than one, Meg wasn’t thrilled about meeting this guy every morning. She was well aware of the fact that if he wanted to, Twenty-Three’s massive robotic hand could crush every single bone in her body. You can see why, with people like this around, escape attempts weren’t easy to plan in Number Eight Hundred and Twenty-Seven.

Meg’s building was large, but it actually only provided room and board for one slave: her. The hallway was designed in such a way so that it passed through three security gates before actually coming to the exit of the compound. All three gates were heavily guarded and could only opened by a guard’s cardkey, and they were utterly impossible to scale. Not to mention that getting to the top was actually pointless, as the gates reached the ceiling of the walkway. Believe it or not, Meg had actually worked out a way through these gates, but her main objective right now was dinner. Save the great escape artist acts for a full stomach.

The walkway, when cleared, led out into the Yard, which was basically what the slaves called the massive inclined valley where the facility existed. Almost none of the slaves who lived in the valley had ever actually been outside of it, so the rumor mill was running constantly about what the Outside might be like. Not that any of this interested Meg, except for the legends that suggested that human beings on the Outside could become mechs through certain means. If there was anything that Meg truly wanted it was to become like her captors. To have the strength and cunning, the power of a mech.

The other inmates of Number Eight Hundred and Twenty-Seven jeered at Meg as she passed, mumbling things under their breath like “DRD suck-up” and “Little pet.” Meg would have grumbled equally nasty things under her breath, but she was fairly sure Twenty-Three’s hearing was in fact far better than he suggested it was. Mumbling unpleasant things right in the earshot of a DRD guard wouldn’t be the best move.

Twenty-Three led Meg up to one of the gray buildings located in the Yard and stopped, standing at attention. Meg didn’t really know why this was. Although the building they were standing in front of was in fact the Cafeteria (As noted by the rusting sign hanging on its left side, which was basically the only thing different about it from any of the others), they should have walked right inside. Twenty-Three’s gesture made sense about five minutes later.

An old 35LX model, powerful in appearance and black as night, stepped out of the Cafeteria in full regalia. This was strange as well, because “full regalia” meant that the model was fully armored. Most of the guards shed their outer layers of armor in order to increase their movement speed, as the outer layers made them a bit clunky when they walked. Whoever this guy was, he was someone important. This was further emphasized by the fact that he was carrying a red lightning whip, as compared to the blue ones most of the guards had with them. Meg rolled her eyes. A DRD hotshot, eh? Wonder what he’s doing in a rundown place like this.

The strange mech didn’t even stop to greet Twenty-Three. He just walked right past the two of them with a confident air. It was as if he owned the place. Meg groaned out loud, at least until Twenty-Three jabbed her in the stomach. Who does this guy think he is, the Emperor? Twenty-Three gave Meg another nudge that meant, “I wouldn’t make that guy angry if I were you; let’s move along” and hurriedly ushered her inside the Cafeteria building. The Cafeteria was as loud and unpleasant as ever. It consisted of a kitchen, a table around the kitchen functioning as the serving area, and small metal tables in various states of disrepair. For most people in the Pits this was their only meal of the day, and so you had to make it count. That didn’t exactly stop most of the slaves however from chattering rather than eating with what little time they had. Meg wondered earlier in her life why on earth the DRD didn’t stop them from talking, but realized that there was probably nothing they could do.

Meg quickly got into position along the serving line. Twenty-Three had long since moved to the edge of the room, waiting for Meg to finish her meal (or the bell to ring that signified it was time to work. Whichever happened first.). The usual unidentified mystery meat (or whatever that red slop they ate every day was supposed to be) was on the menu. Everything seemed completely normal. That is, except for one thing. There was someone new sitting at the cafeteria tables.

((I suppose I'll stop here? ))

« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 09:06:42 PM by Shenmue654 »

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Re: Eden Rising
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2010, 06:27:07 AM »
intersting... looks good! want moar!

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Re: Eden Rising
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2010, 03:14:26 PM »
i'm curious. =O so many questions! whatwhat now? pls more?
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Offline Shenmue654

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Re: Eden Rising
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2010, 10:37:49 PM »
((Right, here's some more. ; ) ))

He was a strange-looking kid, especially considering that every person in the Yard was probably distantly related to every other person due to genetic inbreeding. He had striking red hair that spread out in bangs all over his face, dirty from years of neglect. He was nudging his food awkwardly with his fork, and yet despite his rotten lot in life he had an optimistic expression on his face. You could see his hope in his bright blue-green eyes. This bothered Meg. No one in the Pits had any hope. It was even possible that no human had any hope. So Meg sat down next to him on an impulse. He was only about thirteen anyway. That was closer to her age than most slaves.

“Hi!” stated the strange young boy in an excited, lively voice, looking Meg over briefly. “You seem like the kind of person who would know how things are run around here. Nobody seems to want to sit next to me, so you must be pretty brave too. My name’s Thirty-One, or at least it was. You can call me Crimson; everyone does.”

Meg stared on in confusion as Crimson rambled on. She had known him for all of five minutes and he was already talking almost non-stop as if they’d lived in the same building for years. Crimson slurped up his questionable breakfast heartily and continued his tirade.

“I’ve just moved here. Seems like one of the better Pits I’ve been to, honestly. The food’s reasonably edible and the guards aren’t as trigger-happy. I can’t understand why everybody’s so miserable. At least, people are more miserable than usual.”

“It’s because of me,” Meg stated without any enthusiasm, staring glumly at her own unrecognizable slop.

Crimson paused and glanced at her, obviously pretty confused.  “What’s wrong with you? You don’t seem particularly mean. I mean you sat down next to the new guy, didn’t you?”

Meg sighed irritably. New transfers to Number Eight Hundred and Twenty-Seven were infuriating. They never seemed to know the program yet and none of the overseers had bothered to tell them, so all they did was slow down the rest of the place’s occupants. “It’s because I’m the most important person here. I test all the stuff that everyone else in this place builds, so we have regular security lockdowns whenever I’m trying to escape the newest system. This drives everybody else living here crazy, so this isn’t exactly the world’s most comfortable Pit.”

Meg thought this would shut Crimson up. Maybe he’d even move to another table, now that he knew that Meg was the cause of most of the complications of living there. That’s not at all what happened. Crimson’s eyes lit up with delight, and he then leaned in with a conspiratorial look on his face.

“So…you’re the resident security tester?” Crimson stated in a low whisper, glancing around periodically to see if the guards were watching him. “Does that mean that you can break through the majority of the Empire’s systems? I’ve heard word that you testers are brilliant hackers and escape artists.”

Crimson grinned wide. The implication he was giving was obvious but insane. “Well I guess I’m your partner then. We’ll talk later at night; breakfast is close to ending. What’s your building number? Do you think you could use the escape plan to bring out more than just the two of us?”

Meg never got the chance to ask Crimson to explain what he meant by that, however. Twenty-Three was back, walking towards Meg’s table with his usual lack of expression. His posture looked pretty tense though. “We’re leaving,” growled Twenty-Three. “You have to be ready for this morning’s testing. I just got a bad review from Valerian and I refuse to tolerate any misbehaving today.”

Meg shrugged and got up from her seat, pushing her chair in and moving next to Twenty-Three. Crimson waved, still smiling like he had a personal ray of sunshine coming down right on him. Meg walked off, trying to act as stiff and irritable as she always did. She didn’t want to get Twenty-Three’s attention. While she was doing so though, a million non-cynical thoughts were whirling through her head. Who was Crimson and what was he talking about? Who else were they going to bring with them? Who was Valerian and did he have any relation to the overly smug older model from earlier? Foremost on Meg’s mind however was whether a blithering idiot like Crimson could really help her pull off her escape attempt at all.

The rest of Meg’s day was much like any other. It consisted largely of self-confident, chattering scientists poking and prodding her from every possible angle, and then subjecting her to a long series of complicated and useless tests. Meg tried to tell them that she had already tested Collar Model 65-J seven times, but the scientists refused to listen to an “insolent little human child.” It didn’t help that this particular model was very fond of shocking its wearer every time they attempted to move out of bounds. So it was that Meg found herself walking home battered, bruised, and incredibly frustrated.

Twenty-Three apparently still hadn’t recovered from whatever it was had happened between him and this Valerian guy, so he hadn’t spoken to her throughout the entire walk back. This was probably a good thing from Meg’s point of view; as she was honestly too beat to converse with him anyway.  Meg watched as Twenty-Three inserted his cardkey into the final gate leading to her room, but her heart wasn’t in it. She couldn’t pick up a single new detail about the gate, nor about the long hallway leading to her room.

Meg fell onto her bed and lay there, waiting expectantly for sleep to come. She certainly deserved it. This is probably why it took her all of ten minutes to realize that Crimson was sitting on the bed with her. Meg jumped backwards in surprise. She wasn’t surprised that he had shown up, but she was surprised that he was here.

“What are you doing in here?!” Meg stated in shock, about ready to strangle him. “You were supposed to meet me outside tonight!”

Crimson shrugged. “You were busy all day, so there was no way I could have done that. Are you ready to discuss plans for our great escape?” He used that irritating grin of his at this last statement.

“How did you get past the room’s security?!” Meg said, this time actually leaping over and shaking Crimson, her voice reaching a high pitch. “We’re in deep trouble now! Don’t you know that they’ve put a camera in this room?!”

Crimson laughed and lightly pushed Meg off him, looking like the whole situation didn’t bother him at all. “Relax,” he said in a soothing voice. “I took out the camera room’s watchdogs on my way here. They didn’t even see me coming, and since nobody ever goes in there other than them we’ll be home free for at least a few hours.”

Whatever exhaustion Meg had been experiencing had absolutely vanished. Blind panic tends to do that to a person. She was looking at Crimson as if he were a walking impossibility, which he might as well have been. How did he do that? I’ve never even gotten within twenty yards of the camera room; the entire place is heavily guarded. This…..punk took the place out in one day, with barely any experience with this facility, without getting noticed? That’s…. impossible.

Meg glared at Crimson suspiciously, speaking in a paranoid, dangerous voice. “Who are you? Nobody could have done that, let alone a recent useless transfer like you. You must have had help, but even then this facility is home to the best-trained guards in the Empire, next only to Trafalgar Prison itself I hear. They always threaten to send us to that place.”  

Crimson chuckled a bit, winking, laying back on the bed as if he owned the place. “Yeah, I guess I did have help. Quicksilver took down a lot of the technical stuff before I got here, so sneaking in was no problem. He was only able to open these gates for a little while though, so you’d better really have that escape plan. We’re stuck otherwise.”

Meg blinked, holding a finger up. “Wait, who’s Quicksilver? Can you at least explain things before we get this underway? It looks like we can’t really wait now.” Meg grumbled to herself. This isn’t the way I planned it. This guy’s messed everything up.

“Quicksilver’s the main tech guy for the Eden project,” Crimson said with pride, as if he was speaking of someone he admired. “He’s only a couple years older than me but he’s already done incredible things with machinery. The Eden project’s what we call the human resistance these days. I’m only a junior member though, so I don’t know exactly what it means.”

Meg gasped in surprise. There was a human resistance? Although during her short life she had heard millions of rumors about the Outside, this idea was very new to her. Meg struggled to gather together her thoughts, stating, “So…you’re saying that there are humans out there who fight back against the mechs? That’s crazy! They’re stronger and smarter than we are!”
Crimson gave Meg the kind of you would give to someone who was very young. He pushed his hands up against his heart, and smiled. “We fight with this. Humans fight with our hearts. Machines might be stronger and smarter, but they aren’t very adaptable and they definitely don’t have guts. Humans do things on impulse sometimes and thus we’re very unpredictable. Aren’t you that way too?”

   Meg rolled her eyes. That’s probably the cheesiest line I’ve ever heard. “Are you kidding? Rebelling against the Empire would take months of preparation and planning. Don’t give me that “Look inside your soul” load of garbage.”
Crimson shrugged and said, “You don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to. Either way you and I have to get out of here, right? What’s your big plan?”

   Meg put a hand in front of Crimson’s face, annoyed. “Hold on a sec. First, I want to know what you meant when you asked me if I could bring more people out of here. The plan I created was set up so that only the two people involved could sneak out. I know you’re really into this rebellion of yours, but I definitely can’t free the whole complex.”

Crimson smiled again. Meg was starting to associate this trademark look with danger. Hooray for her. “Just focus on getting the two of us out of this complex. The Eden project can handle the rest. Do you trust me?”

Meg sighed. Heck no. “Look, I’ll trust you if it gets me out of this place. Is that okay?”

Crimson laughed out loud. “Of course it is! That’s how everyone thinks about it at first!”

Meg groaned for what wasn’t the first and what wouldn’t be the last time. It looked like the game was on.

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Re: Eden Rising
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2010, 10:31:18 AM »
I love it, Kelly! Very exciting! I can't wait for you to post more!
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Re: Eden Rising
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2010, 09:04:22 AM »
Yup, and there's Crimson again as you might've noticed. This is actually where Crimson first appears in his current form, but there were much earlier versions of him running through Meg and I's Roleplays for a while. And actually he's technically way older than that.

Crimson first appears as the character "Lunar" in the crappy "fanfiction" I wrote when I was twelve. Though he has absolutely nothing to do with the moon; I just thought it sounded really cool. I say "fanfiction" because (typical of me) by the time I was done with it the place I'd created might as well have had no relation to the canon. It's still (ironically) one of the most original worlds I've ever made culturally speaking.

Lunar reappears often during the next six years and ranges from an idealistic but paranoid guard to titular heroes (as he was in the "fanfiction." There were basically two main characters in that story, on utterly different sides. Considering who they were supposed to represent per self-obsessed middle school rules, I don't know what that says about my childhood. XD). Somehow he eventually develops into a younger character ranging in age from twelve to seventeen. This is Crimson. :3

« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 09:41:13 AM by Shenmue654 »

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Re: Eden Rising
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2010, 09:42:39 AM »
Dude, Kelly, I have the worst memory ever. I knew that kid was super familiar for some reason -- because I had just read about him a few hours before! Duh! Anyway, yes. I like Crimson, and I want to learn more about the different iterations of his character, including this one.
Aluminator's RAFsister