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If the Animorphs were Pokemon...

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... what types would they be? Post your thoughts here.

I'd go with these:

Tobias: Flying (he's a bird)
Ax: Psychic (he's telepathic)
Rachel: Fighting (she's the best fighter)
Cassie: Grass (she loves nature)
Marco: Ice (can be cold and logical at time, plus he's cool!)
Jake: Dragon (I'm not sure why, it just seems to fit)

(Credit for this idea goes to Azguard and Nohensen).

Tobias: flying or ghost
Ax: fighting or electric
Rachel: Fire or dark
Marco: Ice or psychic
Cassie: Grass or ground
Jake: Dragon

That's about what I first put, though it can be debatable. Tobias being flying is obvious. Ghost because he's generally looking on from a distance. The hidden eye in the sky, if you will. I also read a quote from Ax somewhere that if Tobias didn't want you to see him, then you simply didn't see him.

Ax I have fighting or electric. Electric because he's quite fast, and fighting because he's a trained fighter. Possibly better than Rachel.

Rachel would be fire or dark. Fire because she has an agrressive personality. Dark because she enjoys fighting more than the others. That's not to say she's bad. You can be dark without being bad or evil.

Marco is ice or psychic because sometimes he can be cold and ruthless. He can also be very smart and clever.

Cassie would be grass or ground, because she loves nature and is down to earth.

Jake would be dragon, because Dragons are generally revered in the pokemon games.

Like I said, the types could be debatable. There are multiple types that would fit each of them. This is kind of a weird thing to think about, though.

Toominator Z:
I'll do ya one better.

Tobias: Pigeot
Ax: Scyther
Rachel: Machamp
Marco: Psyduck
Cassie: Ninetales
Jake: Charizard

Nerd-a-riffic! :)

Tobias: Flying
 Ax: fighting  (but now that I think about it, psychic is good too)
 Rachel: Fire (because of her desire to consume....hahahha)
 Cassie: Grasss
 Marco: Ice or Steel (or...Ice/Steel!)
 Jake: Dragon or Psychic...or Steel also.

 this is the funniest thing to talk about ever. haha

Tobias: Flying (Pidgeot?)
Ax: Fighting or Psychic (maybe Lucario would be a good choice for him...and yes, I know Lucario isn't psychic but that aura thing...)
Rachel: Fire, though Dark and Fighting would work. Or maybe Ursaring because she does like that bear morph XD.
Cassie: Grass, possibly Celebi or Shaymin (they are both protectors of nature and all of that if my memory serves).
Marco: Psychic, or Ice. Not sure really for him.
Jake: Dragon.

Or all of them (minus Tobias) become Dittos and keep the ability to morph XD.


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