Author Topic: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)  (Read 6373 times)

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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2011, 10:34:49 PM »
Morgan watched the fight from her high and mighty viewing place.  She knew who ever won this fight would have to go up against the Q's pick next week.  Why did omnipotent beings need to prove that the lower beings in their realm were better another she didn't know.

(((in other words... Bear post here!)))


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2011, 11:34:34 PM »
Running, running, running... why am I always running? Gah... Brian thought, starting to huff just a little bit as he ran. He needed someplace to hide... against these weapons, he was worthless. But fortunately, that could change. In fact, everything about him could change. That was his only strength. He jumped behind a dumpster, and hoped against hope that he had enough time for this... Quickly, his skin began to break out in small, hardened patches, a tail shot out of his back, and he began to shrink rapidly. Please don't run fast, please be a slow klutz, please just let me live...
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 11:43:59 PM by Pyro Bear »


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2011, 12:36:03 AM »
"I must apologies," Rad said as Ma'at pulled up her body and started to run again.  "My friend is an idiot and I won't allow you to have that type of relationship with her."

<<Spoil sport,>> Ma'at muttered as she took her zat in her still good hand.  She didn't know what was awaiting her around that  ehind the dumpster so she wanted him to come to her while she was pointed at zat at the dumpster.  "Show you're self!"
« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 12:38:48 AM by No Mangoes Rad »


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2011, 10:25:13 PM »
Come on, come on, come on!!! Brian thought. Just ten more seconds, please! He pleaded to nobody. He had already become rather small, perhaps the size of a raccoon now. But it wasn't small enough. His arms and legs had so far reduced to stubs, which caused him to fall over onto his belly, and his face was entirely reptillian now, with the exception of a horribly out-of-place chin that hadn't sucked back into his face yet. He tried slinking under the dumpster, but there wasn't enough room. Not yet. Ten more seconds. That's all he needed...


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2011, 12:57:19 AM »
The sounds of cracking bones and shifting flesh made Rad squint her eyes.  "That sounds so gross."

<<Regardless keep that gun on him,>> Ma'at said refusing to move the gun away.


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2011, 11:59:39 PM »
The instant he was small enough, Brian wriggled under the dumpster. He couldn't believe it. He'd actually finished the morph. And... while it was hard to truly hear, he could sorta tell that she was speaking, which meant that she had to be darn close. Yet... she hadn't shot him. For some reason he couldn't imagine, she had stood on the other side of the dumpster. He could see her now, looking out from under the slight gap between the trash can and the asphalt. He was right where he'd wanted to be. And now he realized how stupid he'd been. There was no way that he could execute his plan and come out alive. Yeah, great plan, you moron. He grumbled. Okay, so now what, dope? Just gonna sit here all day? He thought about his current situation. Brian had no idea what direction she was facing. This made things difficult.

...That might work.

<In here, Sparkles.>

He had no idea where that name had come from. He chuckled to himself, amused with his own brilliance. Actaully, the more he thought of it... the funnier it got... Hehe... 'Sparkles'... Boy, I crack myself up!


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #21 on: July 04, 2011, 01:11:12 AM »
"Now why would I go in there?"  Ma'at said not moving her zat.  "And how the sokar are you calling Sparkles?"


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #22 on: July 05, 2011, 12:35:53 AM »
<Oh, would you prefer 'Sprinkles'? I think that might suit you better, actually.> Brian said with a slight laugh. He always loved taunting his enemies. Sean always smacked him in the back of the head for it too. But that was a price he was willing to pay in exchange for the mockery. It somehow made all the fighting and near-death-ness of his life more bearable.

Brian's forked tongue shot out and back in rapidly. He was used to the strange new sensory input, but it was still a bit bizarre. She wasn't moving. Now what do I do? He thought. Brian was kinda stuck under the dumpster now, without room to demorph. Thus, he was stuck in this morph until something happened. Maybe he was just going to have to try his luck at this one...


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #23 on: July 05, 2011, 12:58:31 AM »
"I said I go by "Rad" most of the time," Ma'at said not moving."I can go by "Ra'at" or "Ma'at" if you like them better."


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2011, 01:26:26 AM »
<Nah, I think 'Sprinkles' is good for me. Hope ya don't mind.>

...well this is workin' swell, now ain't it?

<Wanna know somethin' funny, lady? See, the cool thing about this thought-speak in your head is that you have no idea where or what I am while I'm talking to you. While you've been sitting there staring at that dumpster, I've already managed to fly my way out of town. Now, I'm gettin' kinda far away, which is gonna make it really hard to chat with ya, so you might not hear from me for a while. But don't worry. I'll be back soon. Oh, and uh... I'd buy a bug zapper if I were you. Talk to ya later, Sprinkles!>

...Maybe that would work?


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2011, 09:01:13 PM »
Ma'at lowered her zat convinced that lizard man was telling the truth.
"So you can become insects too?" Rad questioned.
<<We should find his new location,>> Ma'at said.
Rad smiled.  <<Let me try something first.>>
<<You do remember what happened the last time you did that, on that PX-43927?>>
<<The planet well be habitable in 400 years it was no big deal.>>


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2011, 11:47:53 PM »
...what kind of question is that?

<I wouldn't call it an insect, per say... insects only have six legs, right? Yeah... I think that's how it goes. Nope, not an insect.>

...Brian was starting to get bored of just sitting there. He inched forward just slightly.


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #27 on: July 06, 2011, 03:23:47 PM »
Rad wondered what Lizard Man was now.  But he wasn't an insect but she hadn't heard anything fly away.  <<He's still here,>> Rad explained.  <<He can still hear us and nothing flew away->>
<<That you heard,>> Ma'at finished.  <<I trust your ears.>>  "Kree, I have to find him again," she said for him to hear before taking two steps away to make him think she was going away.  Then she turned and shot the dumpster.  If he was touching a metal part of the dumpster she had just fried him.


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2011, 06:45:49 PM »
The heat signature from  his target shifted. He could only see her feet from his position, but thanks to his keen sense of smell and the oh-so-wonderful thermal sight of the Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, he could tell where she was rather well. She muttered something, which he understood, but only with practice in this morph, then she stepped away. He slithered an inch closer to the edge. Not yet... not yet...


he thought in a panic. His brain went crazy with all the vibrations going off all around him, and he watched as the entire dumpster's temperature spiked. And it wasn't a gradual increase, but rather, he could see the heat fill the entirety of the metal box almost instantly. All thanks to his current bodies abilities, he reacted just as fast. This was insane. He hadn't expected that for some reason. Calling upon all his experience, all the viper's speed, and the combined adrenaline and panic of the two, he shot out with the trademark reflexes of the deadly snake he was, straight for the lady's ankle.. She was just a few feet away; this would be easy. Fangs extended, he was already planning his escape route after the bite.

((Rad, don't let me get too powergamey here, okay? Good shot, btw. I so totally would have had to take it and die if it wasn't for the fact that I had infrared senses already. :P))


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Re: Bear VS Rad (1x1 cagefight)
« Reply #29 on: July 10, 2011, 10:45:00 PM »
(((Lucky morph.  Good move yourself.)))

Rad had the normal reaction that a human female has to seeing a snake.  "Ahh SNAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  She started doing the snake-away dance.  It involves screaming and jumping in away that looks like backwards skipping until the person that is warding away had the sense to run or was bitten.  Rad was the lather case.
Ma'at, though frighten more than it might be a Goa'uld like herself, wanted control of the body back.  <<Rad, stop!>>  If I can't get control of my host...  She didn't want to think about it.  Yet she had to and there wasn't much time.