Author Topic: The Galactic War: Rogue Element ~The Beginning  (Read 78064 times)

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2012, 09:34:50 PM »
Ossanlin nods before continuing.

<Once the first floor-breacher is attached, Claxter and Ehvrin will take up a post at the bottom of the eastern ramp-well.  Esarvit and Aurellia will begin cutting up into the central computer chamber, meanwhile, Enorryma and I will begin opening the hatch to the singularity chamber.>  He glances at Norry before bringing up a detail of the singularity chamber.

<There will be two engineers and one security officer here, here, and here.  I'll take the shot at the security officer while you take the bottom-floor engineer as he will be the furthest away, Norry.  Then both of us will take the second engineer.>  He moves his gaze back to Esarvit.  <At this point, Esarvit and Aurellia will already be inside the central computer chamber.  Esarvit will have accessed the direct terminal to download the Yeerk prisoner data and upload his spectral virus.  The central computer chamber should also be empty, though there is a small possibility of a tech being present.  If the tech is present, you'll have to take him out as soon as possible.  Once the virus is uploaded, Esarvit will give Enorryma and I the go-ahead to disconnect the manual breakers.  Of course we can't stop a singularity from producing energy, but we can cut the rest of the facility off from it.  Once the main power feeds have been cut, Esarvit and Aurellia will manually disengage the battery breaker attached to the computer system.  Esarvit's virus will selectively lock-down the facility.  Levels one and two will be completely cut off from levels zero and negative one.  Central command, the cell-block commands, and the labs will all be locked down.  The loss of primary power will propagate the original lockdown, and the computer freeze will keep the others from restoring control through secondary means.  Any sort of distress will seal the Yeerk cell-block with a bulkhead as thick as the walls around it.>

He glances around the entire table, bringing up a detail of the eastern ramp-well up to level zero, showing a dotted red line spiraling up to an access to weapons and tech storage.  <Once the lockdown has been completely applied, Claxter and Ehvrin will move into the eastern ramp-well and follow this route to weapons and tech storage on level zero.  The lockers should be completely unsecured thanks to the virus.  Anyone you encounter will have to be taken down, there's no getting around that.  At least the modified ASARs will only stun.  Once you get into the storage lockers, confiscate any "Yeerk" technology taken on or after the date that the rebellion fell, as much as you can carry without encumbering yourselves.  The satchels should allow you to carry a good deal.>  He nods at Claxter and Ehvrin before moving his eyes to Esarvit and Aurellia.  <At the same time, Esarvit and Aurellia will descend back through the floor into the maintenance room, and will re-adjust the cut-out appropriately.>  He changes the view to show the south-east quadrant of level negative one.  <You two will exit into the southern hallway of level negative one and continue to this entrance of the Yeerk supply room.  You will both need to procure as many portable kandrona generators as you can carry, as well as the nutrient mixture.>  The display shows small suspension crates containing kandrona generators, and sealed sacks of nutrient supplement.

<While all of this is happening, Enorryma and I will ascend the western ramp-well to level zero.  We will obtain as much host-supplement as we can carry, and then will free the imprisoned hosts.  We will escort them back down to the maintenance levels and will activate the energy seals around each ramp-well.  At the same time, we will remotely activate the floor-breacher that Claxter and Ehvrin attached underneath the Yeerk cells here.>  The display moves back to a full map of the maintenance level with the position of the first floor-breacher blinking.  <All six of us will rendezvous back at that location.  The floor should be cut through completely by the time we all arrive at the rendezvous, hosts included.  Claxter and Ehvrin will transfer the confiscated weapons and effects back to the hosts at this time.  Esarvit will transfer the Yeerk prisoner data, and I'll communicate the proper prisoner numbers to each of your ARCs.>  He changes the view to show a detail of the Yeerk cell-block.  <Enorryma will ascend first, then myself.  Then Claxter and Esarvit.  Aurellia and Ehvrin will stay below to guard the hosts.  We won't have to worry about anyone in the cell-block, their own overbearing defense system will keep them out as effectively as anyone else.  We'll extricate the appropriate Yeerk cells from the block.  We'll extricate only those cells which are specified.  We will then descend back to the maintenance levels.  We won't have time to allow immediate re-infestation.  We will proceed back along this route to our entry point, exit, and disembark the facility for the Tyrennian.  Is the plan clear?  If anyone requires clarification, speak now, this will be the final briefing before we actually put our plans into action.>  He looks around the table, making eye-contact with each of his Warriors in turn.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 12:31:31 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2012, 10:02:16 PM »
<That's a lot to remember at one time, but I will do my parts, sir.> He wasn't positive he'd be able to remember all that fir the duration of the mission, but he'd try repeating it to himself whenever he could. There was certainly a lot riding on this mission, though he wasn't sure what would be done with the rebels if the mission succeeded. Could they restart? Would it make much difference? He supposed that would be their decisions to make. For that matter, what were Ossanlin and company going to do? They were listed as dead, so their military careers were pretty much over. Were they going to join the new rebellion?

These were pointless thoughts. If he was going to think of anything, he needed to think of the mission. Not what if scenarios if the mission succeeded.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2012, 12:35:46 AM »
<Understood. What's the size of this facility? Will we be within thought-speak range to confirm movements with you?>

The virus was not Esarvit's most elegant piece of work, but it had been fun to throw together, immersing himself in the rudimentary basics of access spectroscopy. Once his initial simulations had worked, the next step had been to make sure it would work on those computers. And that, too, had been straightforward.

It would be one thing if I'd had to experiment, make sure I could hack into some Yeerk computer. Of course, their technology is merely repurposed Andalite systems--it would have been a trifle. But no, I have to turn against my own comrades in blades...

An easier task then he'd expected for this war, and a more difficult one.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2012, 12:58:48 AM »
A thought occurred to Norry, and she nearly dismissed it offhand before realizing that if Ossanlin had plans for the Yeerks they would be rescuing, this might present a difficulty for his plan.

<Sir, the standard protocol for containment of imprisoned Yeerks is at a state of perpetual near-starvation. Do we have facilities for Kandrona feeding? If not, we cannot expect them to survive long. If we take the Kandrona prison array from the ship when we raid it, then we also guarantee death for those Yeerks still on board, while encumbering ourselves severely in transporting it. What measures are we taking to keep them alive long enough->  she paused, about to say -to be useful, but thought better of it, <- to return to their hosts?>
The universe is, instant by instant, re-created anew. There is, in truth, no Past, only a memory of the Past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. The only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.

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Offline Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin)

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2012, 01:48:04 AM »
Ossanlin regards Esarvit first.  <The facility is not overly large, but some of the containment units, especially the walls around the Yeerk cells and the singularity chamber could cause some interference.  Even so, our ARCs have all been synchronized as a combat unit, so we will have continuous contact through them regardless of thought-speech range.>

Ossanlin nods to Enorryma next.  <There is a basin set up in the med-bay.  The Mirage itself is capable of generating sterile water.  They will need to feed within nine standard hours of being removed from the facility, any longer would risk starvation.  Since we cannot project the curvature of Z-Space more than a few minutes ahead of time...perhaps a bit further with you at the helm, but not by nearly enough...the Yeerks will have to feed aboard the Mirage.  Once the nutrient mixture and water is properly mixed and heated, I plan on running several portable kandrona generators inside the basin to create a kandrona-rich feeding pool for the to be used immediately after obtaining safe distance from Primus and the Corvus facility.  I do not plan on attempting to hijack the permanent array from the facility as that would border upon impossibility, even when compared with the rest of this mission.  The rest of the Yeerks there will be Imperials, and while I do not advocate the methods used there, rescuing Imperial loyalists is none of our concern.>

He nods.  <Once we have enough time and resources, we can build kandrona generators.  We only need to take enough portables for perhaps ten feeding cycles, and we might get by with less.  That need is precisely why Esarvit and Aurellia must pass through Yeerk storage after uploading the virus.  A similar need is why we ourselves must visit the host-supplement storage area.>
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 02:09:47 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2012, 03:27:03 PM »
Joanne paced the strange green grass angrily, like a tiger trapped in a cage. The bright holographic, cheerful Sun was driving her so crazy that she seriously debated trying to shut the entire system down. It was a mockery of everything they had been through. Except it was just her in this box. Her alone. Keshin was gone, and she had no idea where he was. They took him from me. They took him. Joanne clenched her fists, and then sat on the ground attempting to cool off. A wave crested over the beach displayed on the screens., no, no. What was it Kess had said? Don't cause any trouble for the Andalite guards and don't do anything stupid? Something like that. He was right, of course. Although, it was already too late. She'd attempted escape a while back with nothing but her fists, but without her weapons she didn't stand a chance against the stupid blue freaks. The weirdest thing was how little they cared. As far as they were concerned, it was a cry for help. She'd known people like that, and meeting an entire race of them was a nightmare. Cry for help indeed. **** them.

She rubbed her hands against her temples, trying to think amid the garish glare of the holograms. It wasn't really something she was used to doing. They'd gotten a call along the Imperial transmission channels about a rebellion fight in some random system they knew nothing about. Judging from the reports the spoils sounded pretty good. No matter who won, an able turelek could profit from the battle. It was a strange lead, but they needed the money. They expected to find Imperials and rebels, only Yeerks. Instead they found the one group Kess refused to make deals with: Andalites.

Joanne wasn't really sure why the Yeerks hated the Andalites so much, but after meeting more of them she was starting to get the idea. It wasn't so bad in here, though. All she had to do was wait. Keshin always found a way out of these situations, and if he couldn't the Peace Movement would. Joanne certainly had no ideas that wouldn't kill her, but he had to. Had to. She just needed to be ready to make some noise when they came for her. ...right?
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _____________

Keshin laughed in bitterness inside his mind as he hung inside his cage. ....they were done, of course. There was no way out. He could see no options through his nearly empty Kandrona cells. Joanne could not find him on her own, and none of the Peace Movement rebels would be rescued. Even if by some chance someone did bail them out, they would leave him and his partner here to die. They were both living on borrowed time. It's over. I'm sorry.

He couldn't move. It felt like he could barely breathe. The oppression of walls and constrictions was again closing around him, worse than before. He had his palps to the console, waiting. He was...lonely. He was born among millions of his own kind and even out in space he had his amiable host. What would he even say to them? "Sorry you dapsen blue monsters, I just happened to wander into your crackdown?" Yeah, that would go over really well.

Still...he couldn't give up hope that someone would talk to him. He couldn't consider the possibility that he would be trapped without another voice forever. 
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 03:30:42 PM by Shenmue654 »

Offline Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin)

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2012, 02:26:31 AM »
Ossanlin glances around the table once more.  <If there are no further questions or concerns, this briefing is adjourned.  Z-Space puts our time of arrival in approximately fifty-seven standard minutes.  Use the next forty-seven minutes as you see fit, whether it be sparring, resting, or running though your portions of the plan.  At ToA ten standard minutes, those of us who have not already will demorph, and then we will all remorph simultaneously.  We'll perform a final equipment check, and then it will commence.>  Ossanlin gestures with his hand, indicating that his Warriors are free to do as they would for the next three-quarters of an hour.  Ossanlin remains in morph, and brings up the full blueprints again, analyzing everything once again.  There were so many things that could go many ways that this entire endeavor could fail, but Prince Raigar's words bolster his spirits.  When greatness was demanded, you either failed, or you rose to the occasion.  Cost was irrelevant, duty a necessity.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 04:14:40 AM by Luke Skywalker (Ossanlin) »
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2012, 09:10:52 PM »
If someone were to ask her which is worst--the dizziness, the headaches, the repeated incidents of heartburn, or the constant need to use a bathroom--Tess would not know where to begin. These all pale in comparison to the contractions, though, which had begun in the last two weeks and become alarmingly frequent ever since the unthinkable had happened at the rebel base. It was as if someone had secretly inserted a vice around her bloated abdomen while she slept and started squeezing her mercilessly whenever it pleased them. Each contraction made her groan aloud, but the worst of them, the ones that went on for minutes, found her crouched on the floor, clutching her nine-month-pregnant stomach and squeezing her dark eyes shut.

So it is not lightly that Tess dismisses these significant corporal concerns in light of her emotional and situational ones.

Oh god, she moans internally, a nearly constant mantra ever since she has been holed away in this superficially pleasant prison. Oh god, Keslin... Chris...

She does not know where her lovers are, or if they are even alive. She knows nothing at all about any of her friends or loved ones--her adopted family through her partners of ten years or the rebels they had led during that decade.

Each time the thought that they could be dead intrudes her mind, she is overcome with another wave of grief, hugging her knees as she sits in the corner, tears stinging her eyes. The position is, in fact, nearly indistinguishable from the one the contractions send her into.

This is the position she is in now, spine curled away from the wall, shoulders trembling under her t-shirt, unwashed hot pink hair hanging limply around her neck. The fabric covering her abdomen and thighs feature splotches of water from her silent crying, and she closes her eyes against the holographic display. She doesn't know what to wish for anymore. Nothing but a time machine will do.
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #23 on: November 13, 2012, 10:36:23 PM »
<What do you suppose would be the best place for sparring?> Claxter asked Norry. <Since we'll be fighting Andalites, do you think one of us should be in our natural form while the other stays in morph? Or do you think it won't make a major difference?> He didn't think they'd need to spar for forty seven minutes, so the last part of that time would probably be spent going back over the plan. Either in his head, or reading the display again.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #24 on: November 15, 2012, 03:47:22 AM »
<Perhaps we could alternate which of us is in morph: first I demorph, and we spar, and then I remorph and you demorph, and we spar again. This way, we both get practice in the Hork-Bajir form, against an Andalite. Each session should not exceed ten standard minutes, to avoid premature fatigue onset. I believe there will be room in the common area, as nearly everybody is at the bridge currently.>

Norry was attempting to be courteous: in this configuration, she would be demorphing and remorphing one time more than Claxter, immediately before the mission... and she knew she needed the practice entering and leaving the morph, as much as anything because she realized she was psychologically preventing herself from accepting that it was necessary.
The universe is, instant by instant, re-created anew. There is, in truth, no Past, only a memory of the Past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. The only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2012, 11:35:10 AM »
<I'll see you in the common area then.> Claxter said. He went to the room, and started stretching, and trying out some punches and kicks, trying to find his point of balance. The host didn't have strong fighting instincts, but it did at least know how to move around without being clumsy. In the most ideal situation, they wouldn't have to fight at all. Just fire a stunning blast, and the opponent would go down. There was always a chance that something would happen, and they'd have to fight. He hoped they wouldn't get injured enough that they'd have to demorph in front of the Andalites and blow their cover. He supposed that would be one of the worst case scenarios, aside from one of the rebels getting injured.

Would he be able to stand between a rebel and the Andalites, knowing he could morph away injuries? Ossanlin would probably expect him to. He continued his stretches until Enorryma was ready.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2012, 06:22:48 PM »
Enorryma demorphed, a process she found altogether too slow, frustrating in its gracelessness, but which was still entirely relieving: she could reclaim her tail, her eyes, and the familiar muscular bulk and gracile hands of her own body.

She moved quickly to the common area and stood facing Claxter.

<I am ready when you are.> She was eager to work away some of her tension, and nothing would do that as readily as sparring.
The universe is, instant by instant, re-created anew. There is, in truth, no Past, only a memory of the Past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. The only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #27 on: November 15, 2012, 07:01:53 PM »
Ossanlin runs through the mission once more before moving to one corner of the room where the gear and packs sit.  He begins checking through each one, making sure the appropriate packs contain floor-breachers and transport packs.  He goes over the ASARs also setting in the corner, checking each lens array to make sure they would each fire a reddish stun beam instead of a lethal azure beam.

Nodding to himself, Ossanlin turns around to watch the sparring between Claxter and Enorryma.  If all went well, such hand-to-hand combat wouldn't be necessary, but preparedness for all eventualities was something one expected in officers.  Inevitably there would be some Andalites left in the halls when the computer lockdown went into might also be possible that some of the facility Andalites would find ways around the lockdown.  Preparedness for all eventualities...
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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #28 on: November 15, 2012, 07:24:30 PM »
Claxter assumed a battle position, leading with his right side. He kept his body limber, ready to strike from any angle. He tried to judge the range of Norry's tail, and stay outside of it until ready to strike, and when he did he make a jab as quickly as he could towards her chest. It was certainly slower than a tail strike, but if the Andalite blade got locked with the wrist blade, the Hork-Bajir could grab the tail. Quantity was the Hork-Bajir's strength instead of quality, as far as blades went.

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Re: The Galactic War: Rogue Element
« Reply #29 on: November 15, 2012, 10:51:15 PM »
Norry hopped backward, the arm blade missing her chest closely enough to feel the wind of its passing ruffle her fur. She pivoted, throwing her weight to her forward hooves and rotating her body clockwise, putting her tail in range so that she could make a glancing strike toward the base of Claxter's neck... but it also meant leaving the broad side of her body wide open throughout the motion. She spoke as she moved, making evaluations aloud of the morph's qualities in single combat.

<I can certainly see the value of the Hork-Bajir's maneuverability. No doubt you can leap clear over my head if needed, and I could not say the same. Turning quickly is also more complicated on four legs than two.>
The universe is, instant by instant, re-created anew. There is, in truth, no Past, only a memory of the Past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. The only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.

-GNU Terry Pratchet, The Thief of Time