Author Topic: Animorphs: Ressurection  (Read 34257 times)

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Offline Terenia

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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #60 on: December 15, 2010, 06:22:26 PM »
Name: Reyna Jackson
Age: 19 Earth years
Gender: Female
Appearance: Reyna is absolutely average in appearance. She is about 5'5" tall, with dirty blonde hair that falls to her shoulders in no particular style. Her eyes are brown and her skin standard caucasian. She is neither an eyesore nor anything special to look at.

Practice/1st Morph:
Battle Morph:
Flight Morph:
Aquatic Morph:

Species: Human
(roll for me, Baron? :) )

Bio: Reyna has a rather interesting history. Her great-grandparents, both now deceased, were participants in the original Yeerk war on Earth. They were Imperial Yeerks who, after given no other options, chose to become nothlits. As human nothlits they procreated, giving birth to Reyna's grandfather who in turn fathered her mother. Reyna's grandparents were staunch believers in upholding Yeerk traditions, viewing the Yedd race as traitors to their kind and the other nothlits (most of whom are now deceased) as victims of mass genocide.

As a result of being raised in this culture, Reyna comes off as a bit awkward. She was home-schooled through middle and high school and while her parents are not as extremist as her grandparents they still believe in upholding certain traditions, such as fasting every three days in remembrance of their past dependence on Kandrona. Through the stories that Reyna's grandparents and great-grandparents would tell in her youth, Reyna developed a keen interest in history. She is currently attending community college, with the intent of going on to a university for a degree in Earth and Extraterrestrial History, with an emphasis on the Yeerk/Andalite War.

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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #61 on: December 15, 2010, 06:49:06 PM »
Aaaand that's a wrap, people ;D

I'll be PM'ing everyone and in-game letter and from that point on, this RPG has officially commenced!

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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #62 on: December 15, 2010, 06:55:07 PM »
Question, can I write down on how Earth's military power is currently? I'll PM it to you before posting it of course.
"Now I can't speak for everyone; at least not until 'The Device' is completed."

- Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw


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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #63 on: December 15, 2010, 07:18:32 PM »
You find yourselves within the waiting room of the GT&T, outside the massive oak doors of the office of Tiberius Marx, CEO.

Palatial doesn't even begin to describe the waiting room. The very floor itself is a species of grass native only to the Andalite homeworld, the lights on the wall are a type of bioluminescent fauna modified and grown by Yedd geneticists, the seats themselves are even plants that have been carefully cultivated for not only the utmost in design, but also comfort.

Upon closer inspection, you even notice that the oak doors are, in fact, living oak, modified so that their root system anchors them to the wall whilst also acting as hinges.

You get the feeling that whoever Tiberius Marx is, he likes the feel of open plains and the presence of nature around him.
You also get the feeling that he has more money than he can spend. The growth, modification and maintenance of a room like this would cost close to two million Earth Dollars, under the new Unified Earth Currency and Banking System implemented in 2035.

You each hold in your hand the letter sent to you from the desk of Tiberius Marx himself with numerous questions and no answers.

For now, until you are admitted to see Tiberius Marx, you are left to talk amongst yourselves.

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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #64 on: December 15, 2010, 08:14:44 PM »
((From now on, please let all OOC communications between members occur in the OOC thread.  Also, for the sake of any Leeran player(s) who need mind-reading fodder, assume that any full sentences in Italics are the unspoken thoughts of other characters.))

Arhareli-Winwall-Ajaht made an effort to relax; this environment, the delicious homeworld grass beneath her hooves, and the perfect transparency of the windows should have been sufficient to ease the sting of claustrophobia and unfamiliarity that creeped down her spine and left her tail nearly twitching in anticipation.  However, as gorgeously as the mysterious host had attempted to provide an atmosphere of comfort, Arhareli could not get past the fact that she was the only Andalite in a room full of humans and one Leeran, and she wasn't entirely sure why.

I remember sending back their spam mail the first time it arrived on my comm.  Why did GT&T still take such efforts to bring me to Earth? And why are there so few of us, and I the only Andalite? This does not make sense.  I should be home practicing for the exhibition at the end of the year, not milling around with comm techs and their lackeys.

Arhareli finally worked up what she hoped would pass as a benign and relaxed posture, and she turned to the male human nearest her. 

<Hello; do you have any idea why we have been brought here? It is a mystery to me.>  She made the thought-speech public and clear, turning a stalk-eye each toward two other human members of the group, inviting anybody to give her the answers she needed.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 08:20:03 PM by Estelore »
The universe is, instant by instant, re-created anew. There is, in truth, no Past, only a memory of the Past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. The only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.

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Offline Cobra (Gymn)

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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #65 on: December 15, 2010, 08:35:38 PM »
Why am I here? I should be studying or getting ready for football. This is a pretty cool room though. And it's also pretty cool to be in the waiting room of THE Tiberius Max, CEO of GT&T!
Chris remembers responding on a whim to the comm-message they sent him. He hadn't expected to get this far into whatever job they had open.
When the Andalite addressed me I turned to answer. "I assume that it is because you applied for a job."
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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #66 on: December 15, 2010, 08:41:59 PM »
<Difficult as it may be to believe, I sent this company a very clear negative when they asked if I had any interest in being employed by them.  They contacted me at an inconveniently busy time of year, and among other things, I am not currently in need of employment.>

The winnings from last year's exhibition has carried me quite comfortably through the past eight months;  there is something to be said for being the premier female competitor:  we get paid better than the males.  I suppose I have the humans to thank for that... their tourists are always more interested in watching the females fight, since the males in combat or acting are the only ones the humans ever see on their holovision programmes.
The universe is, instant by instant, re-created anew. There is, in truth, no Past, only a memory of the Past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. The only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.

-GNU Terry Pratchet, The Thief of Time

Offline Cobra (Gymn)

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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #67 on: December 15, 2010, 08:54:46 PM »
"Really? How weird!" Chris exclaimed. Why would they bring her here when she didn't want the job. Was she really that well qualified?
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Offline Estelore

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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #68 on: December 15, 2010, 09:03:35 PM »
<Furthermore, I do not have any particular experience in communications... that is, compared to Andalites who specialize in those areas.  I- well, I am a performance artist.  I engage in regulated tail-fights, as a public paid entertainment.  That is nearly as far as one gets from communications, I think.>

Arhareli didn't know why she suddenly felt like disclosing that much information to a complete stranger, a human no less...

...but then again, there is a Leeran in the room; it is rather pointless to bother concealing anything about myself.  One person here, at the very least, would always know it before I say it. Wouldn't you, Leeran? Do you have a name?

Arhareli didn't bother to project the thought; she automatically assumed it would be heard, but she wasn't terribly concerned about getting a real answer.
The universe is, instant by instant, re-created anew. There is, in truth, no Past, only a memory of the Past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. The only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.

-GNU Terry Pratchet, The Thief of Time

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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #69 on: December 15, 2010, 09:33:52 PM »
This is so weird being in a room with an Andalite a Leeran and other humans that i barely know.

I never applied for a job they sent me mail i opened it and was like this is weird i don't need a job, then next thing I know some guy comes and tells me to come with him and he brings me here.
Marco: Now do you see why it's crazy to think we can beat the Yeerks? I mean, come on: We can barely beat zoo security.
Tobias: (now stuck as a hawk) They'll come. The Andalites will come. And until then...
Jake: (nods and wipes tears) Yeah. Until then, we fight.

Offline Cobra (Gymn)

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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #70 on: December 15, 2010, 09:44:43 PM »
"You're a tail-fighter? That's cool! I don't watch much holovision but I see a fight every once in a while."
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Offline Terenia

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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #71 on: December 15, 2010, 09:45:14 PM »
Upon entering the room that felt more like outside than inside, Reyna had immediately chosen the seat furthest from other occupants. She watched them now as they conversed, keeping her arms crossed protectively over her chest as listened to their conversation.

Why am I here? she wonders to herself, ducking her head whenever she thinks the Andalite's stalk eyes are getting dangerously close to catching her gaze. I don't belong here at all. If my family knew where I was, and that I was within throwing distance of an Andalite I would be grounded for a year.

Reyna shifts uneasily, the comfort of the fauna chair not relaxing her as effectively as it was likely meant to.

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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #72 on: December 15, 2010, 10:04:39 PM »
The familiar complimentary reaction of the human speaking to her was finally enough to ease Arhareli's mental tension... or at least enough to knock it down maybe half a notch.  She let her tail lower into an at-ease position near her legs, only belatedly realizing she had been keeping it battle-ready over her back this entire time.

Oh, Z-space take it all! Something about this whole situation has me twitchy, and I don't like it.  I hope our host shows himself soon, or I may just have to walk out of here.  But... at least this human is pleasant enough.

<How would you like me to address you? I am Arhareli-Winwall-Ajaht.>
The universe is, instant by instant, re-created anew. There is, in truth, no Past, only a memory of the Past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. The only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.

-GNU Terry Pratchet, The Thief of Time

Offline Cobra (Gymn)

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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #73 on: December 15, 2010, 10:07:07 PM »
"Im Chris!" He hesitantly reached his hand out for a hand shake.
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Offline Estelore

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Re: Animorphs: Ressurection
« Reply #74 on: December 15, 2010, 10:23:12 PM »
Arhareli stared down at the human's hand for a moment, then extended her own hand to clasp his, giving what she hoped was an appropriately firm grip. 

She avoided wincing at how much stronger the human's hand was than her own hand, but fortunately the human did not apply enough pressure to be painful.

<Well met, Chris.>
The universe is, instant by instant, re-created anew. There is, in truth, no Past, only a memory of the Past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. The only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.

-GNU Terry Pratchet, The Thief of Time