Animorphs Section > Group Re-Reads

Group Re-Read

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*EDIT 7/13/2010*

Alright guys, we have our own sub-forum! Welcome to the Group Re-Read section of the Animorphs Board of RAF! We are rotating through the books in chronological order here. Approximately every 1-2 weeks I will post the next book summary and a list of questions that I created while reading. You will then have the opportunity to discuss, answer my questions, pose your own, discuss geeky science tech involved in the book, etc. Currently we are nearing the end of our first rotation and will begin a new one shortly.

Please just remember that normal forum rules apply! Respect one another and, as always, keep it seal-appropriate!


So the Animorphs LJ community and the Animorphs Fanfic Lounge are both in the middle of a re-read of the series. It's pretty simple. You read a book a week, someone posts a few guiding discussion questions, then you discuss that particular book in depth. I've been running the one on AFFL and we're up to week 11. Since we have the e-books available and a much larger member base I was wondering if there would be any interest in doing it here. I could moderate it, post the discussion questions, etc. which means all you would have to do would be to read the book and discuss.

If you want to do it the only question I have is what order you would want to read the books. LJ is doing it in order of publication, AFFL is doing it chronologically ignoring the frame stories (so the first book would be the Ellimist Chronicles).

Let me know if you're interested!!

I think that's a great idea :) I'd love to reread the books and have discussions on them.

Oh and the order doesn't matter too much, though I'd prefer the publication order.

Essam 293:
Sounds interesting, and I'd love to participate, but I have a hard enough time trying to find moments to read the books I'm interested now. :(

I'd love to, though I don't quite understand the second part about discussing.

sounds good to me


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