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Top 10 Best and Bottom 10 Worst Animorph Books

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Yorick Brown:
Top 10 Best

01) The Attack (The Ellimist selects the Animorphs and Erek King to fight seven powerful warriors on an alien planet)
02) The Stranger (A super alien being gives the Animorphs a choice: continue fighting the war and eventually lose or be taken away to a preserve)
03) The Illusion (Tobias suffers intense torture by a mad controller while trying to destroy the credibility of an anti-morphing ray gun)
04) The Message (Strange dreams and visions lead the Animorphs to the bottom of the ocean where a surviving andalite youth is trapped)
05) The Android (The Animorphs discover the existence of a race of androids hiding among us)
06) The Alien (The newest Animorph, Ax, adjusts to life on Earth)
07) The Extreme (The search for a new Kandrona leads the Animorphs to the frigid North Pole where the Yeerks have a new and much more dealier breed of foot soldiers)
08) The Sickness (Cassie alone must save a sick Ax while trying to help a member of the Yeerk Peace Movement)
09) The Journey (Marco tries to retrieve a camera while the Helmacrons return and shrink the other Animorphs)
10) The Capture (Jake endures three days as a prisoner of his own body when a Yeerk takes over)

Bottom 10 Worst

01) The Beginning (The long war comes to an end)
02) The Reunion (Marco encounters Visser One)
03) The Secret (The Animorphs must stop a fake logging company from destroying Ax's grazing land)
04) The Hidden (The Animorphs try to stop a buffalo that accidently got the morphing powers)
05) The Deception (The Animorphs try to prevent WWIII orchestrated by the Yeerks)
06) The Test (Tobias and Taylor face off again)
07) The Experiment (The Animorphs try to find out what Yeerks are doing with hamburger meat)
08) The Return (David returns and Crayak gives Rachel a proposition)
09) The Encounter (Tobias' questions his humanity while trapped in a morph)
10) The Departure (Cassie is lost in the woods with a young controller)

we already have a worst animorph books thread. this is just that plus favourite animorph books. might as well just create a favourite animorph books thread.

Yorick Brown:
I would really like it if you (and everyone else here for that matter) would stop complaining so much about multiple subject threads.


--- Quote from: Yorick on July 21, 2008, 01:35:02 PM ---I would really like it if you (and everyone else here for that matter) would stop complaining so much about multiple subject threads.

--- End quote ---

Well, it's unnecessary to have multiple threads of the same subject. A lot of people tend to make sure there is no thread of the same subject before posting a new one. A few of yours are topics that would have obviously been talked about before.

Yorick Brown:
This is like Karmic retribution or something.

On IMDb, I hated multiple threads (though I wasn't ever offended enough to have them reported) but here, even threads where they're not even exactly multiple but just similar, everyone is on my back.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm still an athiest...


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