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Totally Random Animorphs Thoughts

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So I've started a summer reread, (thinking about making a tradition of it :P), and it's bringing some things  to mind that don't really belong in any particular threads and really don't need to be discussed at length in new threads. So yeah, just stuff

Visser Three really seems enjoy eating his minions

I just reread the series myself (first time all the way through).

Random thoughts:
I remember hating Cassie seven years ago, but now she's one of my favorite characters.

I also, for some reason, loved the book where Jake had to stop Tom from killing his dad this time.

#34 had a weird ending. Didn't really conclude.

I liked the idea of giving morphing ability to Yeerks, but don't like how Cassie just let Tom get away with the device. She's very lucky it turned out kind pf like she hoped.

I wonder if anyone lost trust of Cassie or Ax at any point.

I mixed up the endings of Megamorphs #1 and #39 (that's what happens when the plots are pretty much the same). then I re-read them.


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