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So, I read the final book in its entirety for the first time...


After rereading most of the Animorphs books this year (excluding Alternamorphs and two Megamorphs), I finally read the last book. I have mixed feelings. On onehand, I though it was an appropriate ending to this fantastic series... But on the other hand, I feel a sense of emptiness inside., like I'm Searching for something... How did you all feel when you read the last book, and what did you think about the ending?

And here...we...go!

It's the lack of closure left by the very last chapter raising too many new plot elements that are never going to be addressed.  If you leave that out, and just cut it off when they all leave in the ship, it's a perfect ending.

There's been quite a bit of debate over this, though.  XD

If you're hankering for more, there are a few good fan fictions set after book 54. I can hunt some down if you want.


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