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<Thought-Speak>: An Animorphs Podcast

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I'm the co-creator of a new podcast called Thought-Speak; it focuses on the discussion and review of the entire Animorphs book series. Whether you read them as a kid, or found them later on, this is a series that has had a lot of staying power and really resonates with a certain generation. We're hoping that we can entertain them and promote to new readers as well.

The communities that still exist and thrive (like this one) are the reason we're doing this and trying to make it good. Let us know how we can improve the show or just your thoughts in general.

Check us out at our website ([1] ) or subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher. Thanks for your time.

Keep up the good work.

I subscribed.

Thanks! We just both love podcasts and Animorphs. Starting this up just seemed like the thing to do.

Aluminator (Kit):
Okay, yeah, you guys are awesome. It sounds like you're having fun doing this, and it makes you a lot of fun to listen to ^_^ I'm in the middle of the first one now, and am thoroughly entertained.

Glad to hear it. Once you get through that first episode, the second will be right here waiting for you (

Thanks for the support!


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