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« on: July 04, 2008, 10:09:18 AM »
Well, this is my first real Fan fic. I had always thought it would be so cool if there where other humans fighting the yeerks beside the Animorphs. so, I typed out my ideas. Tell me what you think.


Tseewwww! Tseewww! Tseeewwww! My dracon beam sliced into 3 more hork bajir. They collapsed like a sack of potatoes. “Conner, we can’t stay here forever!” My best friend Jax yelled. “The rest of the team must be dead!” “Retreat!” I yelled. “Head back to the rendezvous!” My team scattered. I fired my Dracon beam in a long arc, cutting through half a score of Taxxons. I then ran down the hall way with a dozen murderous hork-bajir hot on my tail. I emptied the last four bullets in my pistold and then whipped out my heavy rapier. I slew 2 and wounded another. The others hesitated. Just long enough for me to get through a door and lock it. I then started climbing the fire escape. I was half way up when the heavy oak door collapsed. I grabbed a long throwing dagger and pinned the first hork-bajir through the door. He fell back and tripped the others. That was all I needed. Fear lent wings to my speed and I was up the fire escape and gone.

I'll get the first chapter done as soon as I can.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2008, 10:12:22 AM by JSF16 »
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Re: The ELF
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2008, 03:23:55 PM »
Chapter One

“Come on Conner, you fence like a girl!” My best friend Jaxen taunted. We where fencing. Our blades where both seeking, looking for an opening. I looked at him studying him, waiting for him to either attack, or put down his guard. Suddenly, he lunged! His blade was an inch from my neck when I ducked, whipped around, and whacked his hand his grip loosened, then, I thrust my blade through his basket hilt and whipped up-ward. His blade leaped from his hand, and clattered. On the floor. “Okay, maybe r a bit better then an old lady.” He muttered as my blade jabbed his heart. Region.

My name is Conner. I’m your standard sixteen year old guy. My bet friend is Jaxen, or Jax. We met each other in kindergarten and have been friends ever since. Today, we had been practising our fencing. As usual, I beat him. And as usual, he promised to get me next time. We laughed, knowing that would probably never happen. We went inside to watch a movie. Independence Day. Just as Will smith knocked out the Alien, Jax said, “Hey Conner, I joined this awesome new group. It’s called, The Sharing.

“What’s it like”? I asked “It’s awesome! It’s kinda like a mix of boy scouts and girl scouts. We have barbeques and outings, and camp outs, and do some community work. Like you know, picking up the trash, fund-raising, it’s pretty cool stuff. And yesterday, I became a full member!” “Congrats!” I said. Maybe I should join. Who’s the director.” “Some guy named Victor Trent.” He said. “Cool. Hey, do you wnat to go camping with me? I asked. “Sure.” he replied. “No problem. “Cool, okay we leave in 2 days. He said okay.

One day, later, I got a phone call from my youth leader,  Aeron. “Hey, Aeron, what’s up.’ I said. “Hey dude, how it going he said?” “Fine.” I replied. “Why are you calling.” “Well, the lake where going camping is closing in a day for some rich family. So we’re all heading out in an hour.” “Okay. I’ll head off in an hour.” I said. “See ya there man, bye.” He hung up. I Grabbed me and Jax’s stuff and told my parents the change of events. They said “Bye, have a nice time, stay safe!” “Bye.” I said. I then hopped into my car, revved the engine, and tore off. I Stopped at Jax’s house and knocked on the door. He opened the door and said, “What is it, Conner?” I told the new plan and he stammered. “We-ll well, i was going to, well you know, do something before we went.” “Oh come on, you promised so you have to go.” “Okay, he said. He ot up and walked toward the car. I popped into the drivers seat. I slid in beside me. I started up the engine and headed of toward Jeanette Lake.

The drive was un-eventful, we got there, booked a cabin and fell asleep on the beds. Later on the night, I woke up and saw him head out the door. I glanced at the clock. 3:00 am it said. “What is he doing outside so early in the morning? I pondered. I got up and followed him. He was walking on the beach. He looked like he was in great pain. For he was twitching and jerking un-controllably. “Hey Jax, what’s wrong?” I asked.  He whipped around, holding some sort of gun. “Back of Conner!” He yelled in a hoarse voice. I was really confused. “Jax, what’s going on man? What are you doing!” TSEEEWWWW! A brigh beam of red light shot from the gun and exploded a Tree branch behind me. I Then leaped back. “Man, are you losing it? What was that!” But Jax didn’t answer. He had fell to his knee’s clawing at his head, screaming insanely, “I’ve got you  now Yeerk,  now die! Die! He clawed his head until the blood began to flow. Then, as i watched in Horror, a large, Gray, slug began to crawl out of his ear.

I'll start chapter two soon.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 03:27:37 PM by JSF16 »
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Re: The ELF
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2008, 04:42:31 PM »
Chapter two

“What. Is. That?” I said. “That is a Yeerk.” He said. “What is a yeerk?” I asked. “The yeerks are a parasitic life-form. They enter the brain through the ear canal. Once inside the brain, they tie themselves into the brain and control it. Total control. It’s a living nightmare, you are trapped in your own skull. You can only watch as the slimy scum seduce your parents and loved ones an turn them into helpless slaves. Their biggest weakness is their need for Kandrona rays. You see, every three days a yeerk must leave it’s host and go to a yeerk pool. A yeerk pool is a yeerks natural habitat. It looks like molten lead. Kandrona rays are what a yeerk needs to survive. Just like we need food and water, a yeerk needs kandrona rays. If they don’t get them in three days, they will starve and crawl out of you” He glared at the slug that had just turned to ash.  “My yeerks was going to visit the pool the day before we went camping. When we went early, it tried to get to the closest yeerk pool. However, it starved as you arrived.”

I stared at him, mouth wide open. I would have never believed him unless I saw his Yeerk die.
“Well, what should we do?” I said. “Well, we have two options. We can fight, or we can rsume our normal lives.” “I think fighting is the best idea.” I told him. “Do you know of any groups fighting these yeerks?” I asked. “Only one. A bunch of humans, ex-controllers and free humans who discovered the threat, are fighting a guerilla war. They’re pretty dang dangerous too. In one raid on the pool, they killed two dozen Hork-Bajir, and sixty Taxxons. The Hork-bajir are basicly walking knives. The Taxxons are giant centipedes with four eyes, huge mouths, and lobster claws.” “Well, our best bet is to find them. But how do we find them?” I wondered. “No problem” Jax said with a grin. My Yeerk was heading back to the pool to give the location of one of their bases.” He said. “So, you know where they are?” I said. “I sure do! The base is in an old tornado  shelter.” He told me. “Awesome! When do we go?”

“The first order of business is to head home and grab whatever weapons we can.” Jax said. We had pretended Jax was sick so we could go home. At my house, I grabbed My dual pistols, 6 cases of bullets, several long throwing knives, a Rifle, and a Long-sword and a Heavy Battle rapier. Jax took a sawed off shotgun, a couple knives, and a pistol and 2 cases of ammunition. We then realized something else. “We have to become dead.” I said. We would have to die legally. We both said that it had to be done. So, we drove my car to a cliff out of town. A coastal cliff and stopped it at the edge. We then pushed it over the edge. here would be no bodies. They would believe our bodies where swept away at sea. We then took off toward the base on a stolen Motorcycle

After an hour or so, we arrived at the base Jax had told me about. I was a door in the middle of a field. I was carrying Jax’s old Dracon beam in my pocket. We opened the door and looked around then we saw a guy, about 15 years old with a dracon beam in a holster, two pistols on shoulder holsters, and a sword strapped to his side, and a rifle is his hand. When he saw us, he grabbed a pistol and pointed it at us. “Don’t move yeerk.”

 “Chill man, we’re not yeerks. We’re trying to join the Human resistance against them.” I said. He dropped his gun a bit and said, “Who are you?” “I am Conner and this is my friend Jaxon.” I said.
“How did you learn about the yeerk threat?” He said. “My friend Jaxon, or Jax, was a controller. However, his yeerk died and he informed me of the threat. We then both tried to find this base.” “That’s a nice story.” he said. “thanks.” I replied. “So, you two want to join the ELF?” “The What?” I asked. “The Earth Liberation Force. Welcome, to the ELF.”
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Re: The ELF
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2008, 10:32:03 PM »
Chapter Three

We quickly adjusted to living in the old shelter. Two weeks passed. Then, I got news. “We’re going to attack the Yeerk pool.” Said Eddie, The guard who had met us when we joined. “We’re going to attack the WHAT?” Jax said. Eyes wide in dis-belief. “It is a freedom mission, where going to try and free some hosts. The plan is we go down through different entrances into the pool. Half of us take positions and do some random sniper fire. While the Guards are distracted, the rest of us use our dracon beams and burn of the locks for the host cages. Then we tell them to run and we cover their retreat.” He explained. “Well that’ll be easy!” Jax said sarcastically. “When are we attacking?” I asked. Eddie responded. “Tonight!”

Later on that night, we headed toward our destination. I was carrying a Dracon beam, two pistols, and My rapier was strapped to my leg. I headed toward a washroom in the Gap. I walked in a and went into a stall. I then pressed the toilet handle inward three times. The floor opened up and I could see a stairway. I walked down into it. Into, the yeerk pool. It was rather humid inside. As I went farther, down, I could hear the sloshing of the pool and the screams of the hosts. I prepared my self and walked into the dome. It was huge. It was bigger than two super bowls. I tightened my stomach as I realised how powerful the foe was. I then took my position. I started walking around, pretending I had something to do. Then, I heard it! Tseeewwww! Tseeewwww! Tseeeewwwwww! Dracon fire! I saw several controllers go down. Everyone else burst into chaos. They started trampling one another as they tried to get to shelter. I made my way through the panicking controllers and got to one of the cages. I then shot the lock. Tseewww! My beam sliced through it like a hot knife through butter. I said “Run!” to the dazed prisoners. The looked around for a moment, then took off. I looked through the pool and saw several cages of prisoners free. As well as two dozen Hork-Bajir. I then took off with them. I found several others. Then, a group of forty Hork-Bajir attacked

It was like looking death in the face. I was so scared I was literally shaking. But I was also determined to live so, I grabbed my dracon beam and drew my sword. They rushed at us. They where fast. I fired my beam in a wide arc, cutting through five then, they where among us! I slashed at them with my blade. They fell like corn before a Scythe. Our only advantage was that they had no weapons, save their natural blades which was enough. We had lost five men already! I fired my Dracon beam at another one and heard it scream as A plate sized hole appeared in his midriff. I whipped my blade and killed another. I retreated, firing and slashing as I went. I was clear of them when I saw a blue creature. “Andalites!” I thought. “We’re saved!’ Then, the Andalite whipped his tail and beheaded one of ours. “Visser three!” I realized. The only yeerk to have a andalite body. A burning pain! While I had been lost in my thoughts, a hork bajir had slashed my left arm to the bone! Trying not to faint from pain, I shot him with a Dracon beam. The beam however had ran low on power and only stunned him. I grabbed one of my pistols and finished him. Blam blam! Then I saw him in front of me. Visser three! <Hello human scum> He said. <Enjoying butchering my warriors?> he got no further. I had slashed of a hoof with my sword. He howled in pain and slashed at me with his tail. WHAP!. It missed! I had saw him twitch and dodged it just in time. He grabbed my dracon beam and pointed it at my head. <Die scum!> he said. The blast only stunned me fore a moment. I then grabbed a throwing knife and whipped it! Ssseeeewwwwww puddddddd! The knife pinned his deadly tail to the wall. I gathered myself up and retreated with the others. I had both pistols out and was emptying them into
the hork-bajir swarms. We ran up a stairway and opened the door. It was a movie theatre. The people where just exiting I sheathed my weapons and walked out with them. When I was out of the theatre, I headed back to the shelter.

"Now I can't speak for everyone; at least not until 'The Device' is completed."

- Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw

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Re: The ELF
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2008, 08:05:39 PM »
Chapter Four

I got back to the base an hour later, due to the fact that I was dead, I was forced to take dark ally’s and such to avoid being seen. When I got back, I headed for Jax’s room. As I walked there, I was praying “No god, no. please don’t let him be dead!” I was relieved as I walked into his room and saw him resting on his bed. “You’re alive!” I said. “Course I am. Couldn’t die and let you have all the fun now can I?” I laughed just as he said. “You might want to get that cut checked out. It’ll take more then a band-aid to fix that.” He nodded his head at the cut down my left arm. I nodded and went to the medic. Our medic was a former yeerk medic so he knew how to fix extraterrestrial wounds. He put some sort of goop he had and smeared it on the wound. “It’s artificial skin, flesh, bone tissue. Hold it down with this medical wrap for an hour.” he said. I thanked him and left. I wrapped the medical wrap around the gooped-up area. And let it sit there. While I waited, I talked to Jax about the battle. “So, Jax, how many did you get?” “Oh I took down about ten or so.” “Well, I killed about five with my Dracon beam, a couple others with my gun, and several others with my blade. Oh, and get this, I gave Visser three a couple scars to remember!” “You liar!” “Really, I slashed off a hoof with my sword and dodged his tail and then pinned the tail with my knife!” “Well, that’ll be something to talk about when we grow old.
“I don’t know if we’ll survive long enough to get old.” I remarked grimly.

I fought many battles after this some we won and some we lost. Then, four years after I joined, We had news. A yeerk bug fighter had crashed after it suffered engine failure. ELF soldiers had captured it and killed the Taxxon. The hork-bajir was freed of it’s yeerk slug and was given to the Animorphs. A group of morph-capable kids we had encountered many times. The took it to some sort of secret valley where free Hork-bajir lived. We took the bug fighter, and several former yeerk technicians repaired several of the key pieces of the fighter. They repaired the shields, weapons, and cloaking field. They then took the parts and modified them to an old F-16 fighter. The result was an F-16 that could cloak, fly in space, and fire Dracon beams. We now had our own fighter. This would be very useful for our next mission. The mission was, to destroy Visser three’s Blade ship. The blade ship had been damaged in battle. They fle it to the yeerk pool in Russia to repair it. The mission was to fly the fighter to the yeerk pool, destroy the two defence fighters, land and assist Russian ELF troops to set charges in the hanger. It was crazy, but it would be a huge blow to the yeerks. Due to the fact we had no pilots available, I was voted to fly it because before I ‘died’ I had been in flight school to get a pilots license. Jax was to come with me because he was the sensor operator. You see, all the radar controls had been moved to the back to make room for the bug fighter controls. For the next week, I practised flying it, learning from technicians who had been working on it for 3 years.

The day finally came. I put on some flight gear in case of emergency’s. Walked across the field to the fighter. I crawled up and the ladder and sat inside. I then did a safety check. Jax crawled up and squeezed in behind me. I then shut the canopy and powered up the engine. With a jolt, we started moving forward. As I increased speed, I strapped myself in and put forward the last necessary burst of speed. With that, we lifted off. I put the plane’s speed to cruising speed and relaxed a little. I relaxed as I soared of into the wild blue yonder.
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Re: The ELF
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2008, 10:24:38 PM »
Chapter Five.
As we flew through the clouds, I wondered about several things. wondered if my mom and dad where still sad that I was ‘dead’. I wondered if we would succeed in the mission. More than that, I wondered if we would survive the mission. I looked back at Jax. He was sleeping. We where heading to a place where would probably be blown to bits, and he was sleeping. I smiled. And turned back to the controls. I checked the time. It was 6:30 in the morning. The plan was, once we got to the Pacific ocean, we would leave atmosphere and fly right to Russia in a couple minutes. “Hey Jax, wake up. Check the postioner and see where we are will you?” I asked. “Sure, sure I will. He replied groggily. “Let’s see here, we should be just coming up the Pacific ocean right now.” He was right, we were approaching a huge expanse of water. “Okay then, let’s go.” I said. I pulled on the stick and brought the nose up. I then put the throttle to the max and said “Hold on!” and then, FWOOOOOSH! We where out of there! I where going so fast I could barely grab the throttle and knock the speed down. “Whew!” I said. “That was a ride.” Then I realized something. “Wow, we’re floating!” Yep, we got to space. we were not quite floating, due to the fact we where strapped in by three hundred or so seat belts, But we where hovering off the seats, then, I looked out the window. I was beautiful. I could see the entire world. I felt like I had really conquered it. I could see a Hurricane forming in the Caribbean sea, I could see a large sand storm blowing through south Africa, I could see the great wall of china. Then, I saw something else. Two black shapes appearing over the horizon. Two yeerk bug fighters.
“What? They’re supposed to be on the ground! They’re not supposed to be in orbit!” Jax screeched. I was about to agree with him when the two yeerk ships stopped, turned around, and flew at us. “They’ve spotted us.” I whispered. This was bad, I did not think I could defeat two trained Yeerk fighter pilots in a Dog-fight. I then had an idea. “Jax, power down every thing except the weapons.” “What?” he said “Are you crazy man?’ he said. “Just do it!” I replied. He complied. I then armed to two Modified dracon beams, now called liberator beams, and waited. The two craft scooted closer, checking out this strange new ship. Then, I fired! TSEEEWWWW! TSEEEEEEEEWWWWW! The blue beams cut through space and into one of the yeerk ships. KA-BOOOM! It exploded in a variety of colours. I then turned tail and hauled off toward Russia with a bug hot on my tail. I had been told if you’re chased by a bug, then get in atmosphere. Bugs aren’t made for fast chases in the atmosphere. As I levelled out at 10000 feet, I went to mach 2. The hull was blistering hot, I could see the Bug fighter also glowing white hot. Then, an idea. If I slowed down to like 300 mph, The bug would over shoot and I could get a clear shot at him. So, I waited, waited, then, stopped! I went from 4000 mph to 400 in two seconds! The bug shot way over me and off. Just as it slowed down, I fired! TSEEEWWWW! TSEEEWWWW! The craft exploded in a rain bow of colours and crashed to the ground. I then went out of atmosphere again and flew to around where Moscow was. I then flew down to twenty miles out of Moscow and landed on a field. As I climbed off the craft’s ladder with Jax stumbling behind me, I twenty one year old girl walked out onto the field. As she approached she smiled and said, “Hello, Welcome to Russia!”
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Re: The ELF
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2008, 10:25:07 PM »
Chapter Six
The girl’s name was Alexia. As I guessed, she was twenty years old. She was about five-foot two, had dark hair and slightly dark skin. She had two eyes that where as blue as ice. Jax thought that she was drop-dead hot and was trying to get her to notice her. Mostly, he amused her with his pitiful antics. I had to admit, I liked her. She was beautiful and deadly, with both actions and words, she was Rachel in another skin. Anyway, Alexia showed us around the base. I was only an old World war two bunker filled with computers, a mix of souped of government computers and stolen yeerk ones. The Russians had about two thousand people scattered throughout the country. Not enough for such a huge place, but the yeerks where mainly concentrated In America, not so much in Europe and few in Asia due to the fact they were all third world countries. As for weaponry, the Russians had most of the same stuff as us, plus some heavy rockets for taking down bug fighters when they got to close to the ground. You see, bug’s shields turn off at about fifty feet off the ground. Anyway, they said that they discovered that the Blade ship was taking repairs in Russia during a standard raid. They had un-intentionally captured a yeerk named sub-visser four, The Visser’s crony. He spilled it all, after he was offered a quick and painless death instead of Kandrona starvation. The freed host, a human male named Stanley Ross, informed us of the rest the Sub-visser Hid.
The Russians where planning to set charges in the hanger, and crush the ship. However, there was only one way in. Through the roof. The problem was that there were two bug fighters on guard duty. So when we told them about the adjusted plane, they told us the situation and asked us to help. We agreed and command said to find someone crazy enough to do it. But when I got there, the two bug’s where for some reason doing a flight through space. They where no longer a problem however so we were proceeding to the actual attack. We just had to get in through the roof entrance because the hanger was right under it. Then, a demolition team would set charges while the rest of us made a diversion. Where taking a team of about twenty. Five to lay the charges, and the other fifteen to distract security. Me and Jax decided to name the mission Operation Kamikaze. It was not greeted with much enthusiasm.
“You can’t name it that! It’ll discourage the entire team!” Alexia exclaimed. “Then the rest of the team ain’t got any sense of humour.” Jax replied. “Well, if that’s your idea of humour, I’d rather be bored to tears!” She shot back. That left Jax rather dead in the water. “For a chick, she’s a bit to sharp-witted.” Jax whispered to me. “If you told her that, she would strap you to the front of the fighter.” I replied smugly. He threw a slow punch at me which I ducked easily. Later on that day, I was talking to Alexia in her room. “So, Alexia, do you think that the attack will succeed?” I asked. “I really don’t know.” She said. “It might If we’re lucky. Destroying the visser blade ship is not going to be an easy task.” She went on. “Tell me about it.” I said. “It’s no surprise that Jax called it Operation suicide.” I went on. “Kamikaze.” She reminded me. “Whatever.” I replied. “Well The attack is tomorrow morning so you better get some rest.” Alexia said, like a mother telling her kid to sleep before the first day of school. I nodded. “Okay Alexia, goodnight. See you in the morning.’ She nodded and promptly shoved me out the door and locked it. I shrugged, turned around, and headed down the hall to my room.
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Re: The ELF
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2008, 10:25:29 PM »
 Chapter Seven
The day of the attack came. I woke up at six in the morning. I strapped on my armour, the armour was actually a plywood board as the breast plate, covered in a thick layer of leather. It was useless against high dracon blasts, but effective against Hork-Bajir blades, low power dracon blasts, and shotguns and pistols from a distance. I then buckled the Rapier to my leg so it could not be seen, shoved two dracon beams in my pockets, grabbed a colt and strapped it to my side. I then grabbed two diagonal chest straps that had pockets full of ammunition and put them on. Then, I sheathed five long throwing daggers. That was it. I was ready to go. I met Jax in the main room. He had two uzis, a Dracon beam, and a short sword, about two-and-half feet long strapped to his leg. He said, “Man, Conner, you look like Rambo.” “Oh yeah?” I said. “Look who’s talking. You look like the terminator.” “The perfect couple.” He joked. “The only person missing is Rachel.” I replied with a grin. “Well, Alexia’s pretty well the same person, just a different body.” He muttered. I agreed. In one fight, she had slain ten hork-Bajir, though in the process she had nearly killed herself. I got back on track and headed out. We were going to go to the hanger entrance, about forty miles away. Once there, we would wait for the Blade ship to come down, as the door opened for it to land, we would jump in. Then, we would take the catwalks down to the main floor and get to our positions. So, we all piled into a truck and sped off toward the facility.
After about forty minutes or so, we arrived. It did not look conspicuous at all. Just a large hill with a huge, flattish top. So, we ditched the truck, climbed up to the top of the hill, and waited. While we waited, we tried to distract out minds. It was not an easy task. I noticed Alexia looking at me. It didn’t take much to see that she really, really, liked me. And to be honest, I really liked her too. It was crazy, we had only known each other about three days and I already loved her? My thoughts were interrupted by a humming sound. I looked up and gasped. There was the blade ship. It was the size of a large mall. I hovered over the hill, about two hundred feet up, and then, the ground two feet in front of me opened up.
It started moving in three pieces, each moving a separate way. Then, after about a minute and a half, it stopped. I looked down and gasped. The hanger was huge. You could easily fit a superbowl or two in there with room left for a couple of malls. Then, I saw something else. It was a grey cesspool. It was, the yeerk pool. “The Yeerk pool!” Alexia whispered in hatred. “So that’s where another one is!” She finished. Then, We all jumped, one at atime onto the Cat walks beneath us. The five demolition experts took their charges and slunk off. The other fifteen fighters, including me, Jax, and Alexia, crept down the catwalks to the main level. Then, Two Hork-Bajir guards! I could hear them talking around the corner. “Yaff, Cliff-ha Visser.” One of them said. Before his companion could reply, I whipped around, a dagger in each hand, and slew them both with two quick thrusts. I wiped my blades on the carcasses and sheathed them. Then, we crept on. We got to the ground level and where heading toward the place to make a diversion, when a Taxxon spotted us. I slashed him open, but as he died he called out. “SCREEEEE-SHEEEENEWORRPP!” “That’s torn it!” I said. “He’s set off the alarm! Get to cover and make the distraction. I drew a Dracon beam, and rolled behind a steel wall. I then fired at a Hork-bajir. The blast hit him head on, he exploded in a blast of flame, a charred black skeleton hit the ground, vanishing in a puff of smoke. I then saw a score of Taxxons advancing. I threw a screw driver I found at one, driving a hole in him. The other taxxons all jumped on him, wounding each other and eating each other. Taxxons where no problem. At least, when they had no dracon beams. I then saw one of ours burst into flames as a Dracon beam hit him. I shuddered and annihilated the killers owner. I then saw a Hork-Bajir about to finish off a wounded Russian. I threw a dagger with expert ease. The aliens eyes widened in shock at the handle that seemed to grow out of its chest, then clouded over. The Soldier threw a grateful glance at me and continued shooting. Then, the door behind us opened up, and twenty Hork-bajir charged out. I fired my dracon beam and killed one. Then, I drew my blade and leaped at them. I slew two of them, then the remaining twelve ELF troops charged, brandishing hand guns, knives, and swords. I then fought my way toward Alexia. We then fought side by side, timing eachothers moves, defending each other’s backs, it was amazing. Then, the fight was over. There was no Hork-Bajir left. Though now we only had four other troops, not including me, Alexia, and Jax. “Nice fighting.” I said. But the words where barely out of my mouth, when one of the demolition crew ran in. He had a long, ugly slash down his back and was foaming at the mouth with exhaustion. “What’s going on?” I asked him. He gasped out. “Everyone else is dead. I managed to get out, while the guards butchered the others. “We got to get out of here.” I said. “Let’s go down that hallway.” No sooner had I spoken, the survivor of the demolition team gasped in pain, and collapsed. A charred hole in his chest. “Come on,” I said. “Let’s go.”
We dashed down the hall with about forty murderous Hork-bajir on our tail. I said. “Let’s split up!” I’ll go straight ahead, you guys head to the hall on the right.” They split off and I kept running. I kept on running to the door at the end of the hall. I got there, opened the door and slammed it shut. Then I looked at the room. I was a large room. About three times the size of a camp cabin. And in it, was about two dozen Hork-Bajir.

"Now I can't speak for everyone; at least not until 'The Device' is completed."

- Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw

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Re: The ELF
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2008, 10:25:45 PM »
Chapter Eight.
I was in a very bad situation. I would never fought this many Hork-bajir before. My only advantage was the fact that they had no dracon beam weapons, only there blades. And that would probably be enough. I drew A dracon beam and my rapier. Then, they charged. I fired my beam in a wide arc, slicing through five of them. Then, they where on me. It was chaos! I fired my beam and slashed my blade, screaming in agony and blades sliced me again and again. Then, I started to lose my conscious mind. Red mist over took my vision. All I could see was red smoke. And dark shapes rising out of it. All I could see was dark shapes rising out of it. Then I would see my blade slashing through them. Pain was far off. It was like watching a movie. Then, dark over took me. The last thing I thought was, Die!
Pain! Unbearable pain! Darkness! Pain! All I could feel was pain. I tried to move my arm, AUUUGGHHH! It was like being sliced open frombone to skin with a meat knife. I opened my eyes, half-expecting to be in Hell; I saw the ceiling of a concrete room. I thought ‘What the?’ Then it dawned on me. The bunker! I was back in the bunker! I tried to get up, but the pain that resembled being put onto a shish-kabob stick told me different. Then, I saw the face of Jax, he said something, but I didn’t hear anything. Then, Darkness overwhelmed me again.
Then, voices. Voices where coming out of the darkness. “Oh please Conner, survive, if you die, I’ll never speak to you again!” That was Jax. Jax, a great pal, Then I thought, ‘Wait a second, if Jax is talking to me, I’m not dead!’ I then replied in a voice that sounded like a frog under a hot stone, “You are so pathetic!” Then, “You’re ALIVE! I knew it, I always knew it, YE-HOO!” I opened my eyes, Jax was dancing around the room, acting like he had won the ten billion dollar lottery. “Calm down man.” I said, “Or you’ll have a heart attack and then you’ll be in this bed!” I he rolled his eyes and said, “Well, you where in a coma for about two weeks.” I then promptly replied. “TWO WEEKS! Tell me what happened!” “Well,” he said. “It was like this. We managed to get through a fire escape ahead of those Hork-bajir. A rescue team gunned them down as they chased us down the hill. Anyway, then we realized that you hadn’t come out so we went inside with another thirty or so troops. We went down the hallway and opened the door the that room. When I looked inside I thought HOLY CRAP! HE DID ALL THIS! You see, there was about twenty-four Hork-Bajir in there, all dead. The room was full of bullet casings and dracon burns and blood and knives. At first, we thought that you were dead too, you were literally drenched in blood and you had a death grip on your broken rapier. Then you looked at me and said. “Beat that.” And then you blacked out. We managed to sneak you out and haul you back to the bunker. The medics pulled out over thirty bits of broken hork-Bajir` blade. As I stared at him, he went on. You woke up about two weeks ago, I tried to say Hello, but you blacked out again. Oh yeah, and Alexia has been worried sick about you. She has been crying for hours saying if you died she would have to marry me.” “You liar.” I said. “Alexia wouldn’t marry you if you were the last person on earth.” He rolled his eyes and said. “The medic say’s you’ll be able to walk today. Actually, you could walk a week ago. You had no broken bones; you just looked like you had been through a meat processor.” I said, “Well, that’s a relief.” I then got up and started to walk shakily around the room. Then, someone entered the room. I looked up and saw Alexia, eyes full of Joy, tears, and love. She ran across the room and grabbed me. She held me tightly and then kissed me. She started kissing me fiercly. And before I knew it, I was kissing her back.
"Now I can't speak for everyone; at least not until 'The Device' is completed."

- Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw

Offline Gumby

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Re: The ELF
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2008, 06:42:25 PM »
Okay, I know I haven't done anything on this for awhile, but I started on the next part last night.

Hang in there!
"Now I can't speak for everyone; at least not until 'The Device' is completed."

- Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw

Offline Gumby

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Re: The ELF
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2009, 06:55:37 PM »
((Okay, ignore the slight gap, and I decided to add some love to this book, enjoy!))

My Fighter got back to the states without any major problems. When we got back, it ws all bad news. Visser three had launched an attack on an American carrier battle group. ELF leadership and spies had concluded only one thing: An all out assault. We had contacted a scientist whose team had developed a z-space transponder, he had agreed to lend us some use to the device. Command was disgusted at the disastrous attack on the vissers bladeship. On the other hand, they where delighted to have a new member on the team. Alexia was used to consistent Russian cold, so when we landed in a Californian landing strip, she was more or less surprised. Apparently Russians fairy tales involve the knight and princess living happily ever after in the magical land called Hawaii.


Anyway, like I said. A scientific research group had discovered Zero-space, the andalites version Warp Drive. We had contacted him, and he had agreed to bring it to us. We were going to attempt at contact with andalites forces somewhere. For my excellent fighting, I was given the honor of being the first to contact them. There was also talk among command about going to DC, and telling the big cheese about our fight. I had gotten back in the nick of time, half-an hour before contact initiated. They practically grabbed us three out the fighter and hurried us into a truck. A swarm of mechanics and maintenance crew crowded over the plane and towed it off to some under ground hanger. Our truck started bouncing away to a remote beach.

Once we got there, they pulled out something that looked like an inside out radio on steroids. It was about the size of a ice box, with more wires than octopuses have tentacles sticking out of it. They gingerly placed it on the ground, and adjusted some wires. I heard a speaker and mike snap on, and a technician told me.

“Okay sir, you’re good to go. We’re online.” I steadied myself, and picked up the mike.

“Testing, one, two, three. This is The Earth Liberation Force, calling all andalites forces within range, can you hear us?” We waited. We waited for a minute. A minute of dread, hoping that someone, or something would hear, us, and we also hoped it would be friendly, whatever it was. Then, something came in.

<This is the Andalite dome ship Starleaf, You are broadcasting on a strict military channel. Identify yourself or the proper authorities will be notified.> I sighed in relief, as did everyone else.

“Andalite domeship, this is the earth Resistance movement, Earth Liberation Force, or ELF. We are communicating to you through a human devised z-space transponder.

<Ridiculous! Humans can not be that advanced! Andalites took three times as long!>

“We don’t have time for andalite ego, so listen up! This is the ELF; we are the major resistance on earth, besides a group of morph-capable warriors. We have been combating yeerk forces here for over ten years, now, an update on the yeerk forces. There is a bladeship of Visser one in orbit, also a pool ship. Recently, yeerk forces attacked a human battle group, and nearly initiated a human world war. Our agents and intelligence can conclude only one thing. An imminent open assault on the planet earth. The human planet is in need of andalite assistance, in open combat, yeerk soldiers will be destroyed by humans, but their space craft are devastating. They would be destroyed by sheer numbers, but the yeerks will send more. We need the fleet here immediately. You must understand, if earth falls, the yeerks have over five billion excellent host bodies. You will also fall. We need assistance, ASAP.”

<Well, if your report is valid, we will send help>

“It is valid! We need help now!”

“Sir, bug fighter pair incoming. We need to evac now.”

“Well andalite, we need to leave. Bug fighters inbound. We will try to contact you later. ELF, off.” I shut down the transponder and hauled it to the truck back. We jumped in, and punched it. We started burning rubber as we blasted away.

“Incoming!” A bug fighter moved into view, and fired. We yanked to the left, as the red beam glassed everything around it.

“Conner, in the box, get it!” I opened the large crate in the corner and looked in side. A stinger missile launcher.

“Oh yes.” I said, and licked my lips. I pulled it up on my shoulder, and took aim at a bug. I lined it up, and, fired!

SWIIIIISH! A missile flew off my shoulder and into the bug. It had a specialized armour piercing depleted uranium head, which punched through the shields, and exploded.

KA-BOOM! The bug exploded into fragments. On top of the truck, a guy manned a .70 cal chain gun.

BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT! A cloud of depleted uranium slugs filled the air, overloaded bug shields, and diced through armour.

BOOM! It also exploded into a shower of liquid metal and burning debris. We cheered out a victory whoop, and headed home.

As we got back, we evacuated the base. After burning two bugs, the yeerks would probably torch anything within a twenty mile radius. So we packed up and hauled ass to another fort thirty miles away. There was big moving going on right now, after attacking an aircraft carrier battle group and the hork-bajir colony, they yeerks were virtually on the brink of a full-scale assault. The best current defense was the animorphs and the ELF. They animorphs where only twenty or so strong, the ELF was two thousand five hundred strong internationally, and one thousand is North America. The largest concentration of yeerks, and Visser 1’s stomping grounds, we were about five hundred strong. Three hundred others were hauling ass to the town the poor animorphs lived. We were heading towards the main ELF head quarters, ten miles out of the town the animorphs lived in. We called it, ‘Slug town.’ Jax and Alexia were in a separate truck heading to the same place. Intelligence had said that the yeerks were going to assault that town soon, sooner if the rumors about the animorphs planning to blow up the yeerk pool. Also in recent developments, the governor of the area had given a national warning about the yeerk force.

Apparently the animorphs were busier than I thought.

So, as we arrived at the base and around midnight, there was quite a hustle and bustle. As I climbed out and hooked up with Alexia and Jax, I looked around. Quite impressive, there was four fighters landed, all modified like mine had been. I heard that six more where on the way. A couple of small artillery cannons and even a tank. A private ran out and interrupted my site seeing.

“Sir, the general wants to see you ASAP.” I nodded, and walked off toward the man building. I popped into the generals’ quarters, and sat down. The general was in charge of all ELF forces planet wide, he was about thirty years old, and the first person to start a resistance.

“Good to see you Conner, I’m sorry to hear about they failed assault on the bladeship. I was pleased to hear that two bugs are down and you killed twenty four Hork-****es in single combat. Mighty fine job. Any who, the geeks at Intel and some peace movement yeerks have told us that a massive attack is eminent. So, we have gathered the bulk of our forces to combat the bulk of theirs. Here’s what they’ve got.

Fifty bugs on the pool ship, two on the blade ship, and a couple others scattered around. Total is about sixty or so. They’ve got their blade ship and the pool ship, and a couple other minor ships.  Fr ground forces, they’ve got over a thousand hork-bajir, and plenty of taxxons and gedds. But they are not any major concern. We’ve got six of our modified F-16’s, two tanks, a couple light artillery pieces, and eight hundred soldiers. We’re outnumbered and out gunned. But we are hoping that if the yeerks attack, the US army will assist us in sending them all to hell.” I gulped. So, we had virtually no chance, air support was virtually nil, and the yeerks had heavy air power. The tanks would be destroyed fast probably, and our only advantages were surprise, and hopeful US intervention. Otherwise, we were seriously screwed. As usual.

Me and Jax and Alexia had to share a room. Very awkward, especially for me and Alexia. Jax got ****y, and talked to her. It wasn’t pretty. She told me and Jax to have the beds; she would be on the floor. Jax told her,

“Aw, it’s ok Alexia. You can share bunk with me.” That was the last thing he saw for awhile.

I never knew a chick could hit so fast. Jax was down and out before anything could be said more. He woke up ten minutes later, after Alexia left to change. He rubbed a goose egg on his fore head, turned to me, and said.

“Wow pal, you sure won the lottery on her. You’ve got a keeper. I thought Russian babes where supposed to be very open to people, especially in bed.”

“We are, to people. Not little blood-thirsty parasites.” A voice from behind him came. Alexia was in night clothing, and holding a large, metal object. She continued.

“We just crush parasites underfoot.” She finished, glaring menacingly at Jax. Jax grinned, and slipped out of the room. Alexia sighed.

“I don’t know how you can stand him Conner. Well, he is cute. But not as cute as you, that scar on you cheek is really hot looking.” I swear, I turned beat red, and nearly fainted. Alexia locked the door, and turned to me.
“You busy tonight Conner? ‘Cause I’m free.” I could barely breath, feeling very awkward and clumsy all of a sudden. She put her arm around me, and started pulling me gently into the nearest bed.

“Conner, I want to tell you. I love you; I would want to spend the rest of my life with you, if we were going to survive the next day or so.” I managed to whisper.

“Thanks.” She layed me down, and pulled of her shirt, with nothing on underneath but underwear and a bra. She layed down beside me, and started to yank my shirt off. I backed up, protesting slightly.

“Whoa, Alexia. I love you too, but isn’t this the thing married folks do?”

“Conner, if we had time, I would marry you. But we are going to die tomorrow, probably in a hail of dracon fire. Conner, I’ve wanted to make love with you ever since we first kissed, but I know that is reserved best for marriage. But, I really don’t think that we will survive that long. I love you with all of my soul and heart, and I want to be as close to you as I can, do you want to do it as well?” I heard myself whisper,

“Okay then. Let’s celebrate.” She said with a wild grin in her eye. She pulled off my shirt, started caressing me. She started kissing me, and then I started kissing her intensely. We both just layed on that bed, making out. She undid the rest of clothing, and I did likewise. She started groping all over me, as did I. We felt each other, and loved each other. And, well, magic happened.

It was a wild night.

A very, truly wild night.

The next morning, Alexia was still sleeping, curled up next to me.  I got up, yawned, and threw on some clothes. And walked out into the hallway. Jax was by the door, waiting for me, a wry grin on his face.

“Well, had a fun night, oh-mighty-warrior?” I slapped him in the face, and he continued anyway.

“Don’t act like nothing happened, probably all the couples at the base did it too, so, how was she? Know any good positions? How did she feel?” I sighed, and turned to him.

“Jax, you’re right we did, it, I loved her, made love with her, she loves me. And I like you, but if you ask one more question, you will surely die.” He shut up after that and walked off. and walked over to the kitchen. I pulled out a bowl of corn flakes, and ate up. I went to my room, and woke up Alexia. She came to, looked around, and smiled.

“Oh, good morning. Sleep well?”

“Yes, you?”

“Good. Boss says that he heard some news from the animorphs. Something about subways, TNT, and the yeerk pool. Sounds promising.”

“Very, well, I’m going to eat, and go kill Jax.”

“Have a good day.”

“I will.” She got up, dressed, and strapped two knives on. She then walked out to get something to eat, possibly Jax’s meat. I sighed, and put on a belt. Shoved in a dracon beam, and my new longsword, and headed back out to check up on the boss. I was about halfway there, when I heard a rumbling, like a volcano. I turned to the direction of the noise, it was coming from the town. I saw smoke, and then a ball of fire blast into the sky. I muttered to myself.

“Well, the fights coming sooner than I thought.”

That afternoon, the entire base was a hustle and a bustle. Fighters were being armed, and guns cleaned and loaded. The word was out; we were preparing to attack this afternoon. Over the town, bug fighters glassed everything in site. Our best anti-air defense was two mounted gauss coil guns which launched depleted uranium and tungsten projectiles at two thousand feet per second, overloading shields and punching holes in armour. Anyway, the plan of assault was to send the tanks and artillery to the north end of the town, and draw their attention. The rest of us would assault the new yeerk pool being built. Like I said before, suicidal.

I went in to my room, and strapped on my battle armour. Efficient against low power dracon blasts and hork-bajir blades, nothing else. I holstered my twin pistols, picked some extra ammo, twin throwing dirks, (Long, long knives), and grabbed a shotgun. Auto loading of course. I filled it with twelve ten-gauge shells, tucked sixty more into a bandolier, and moved out.

As I boarded a truck and armed the gauss gun, I saw the six fighters break into three groups of two. They flew up, and gained altitude, and disappeared above the cloud cover. I saw the tanks and cannons move out to the north, and advanced on the city. The entire convoy that held everyone else, moved to the south and waited. There was a boom as tank rounds fired, and almost all the bugs split to attack the new threat. Four remained over the town. Six of ours fighters dived down from above, and fired. The Bugs exploded, and the F-16s’ vanished again. The tank crews and gun teams started running, and were vaporized by dracon beams. My teeth clenched, and I blessed those brave souls who gave their lives for earth. Our convoy moved forward at full speed, and reached the town limits. Half the mounted soldiers, including me, Jax, and Alexia, hopped off the hummer’s and started advancing on foot, ducking for cover among the ruins. The rest of the bugs turned and saw the convoy, and moved forward at top speed. The convoy broke up, and everyone else jumped off. There was twin thunder claps, and two bugs fell down flaming. The other fired, and five trucks detonated. But the troops where safe. We moved down streets and through yards quick, trying to reach the construction site where the yeerk troops where, so the yeerks wouldn’t fire due to fear of killing their own.

BLAM! Ten ELF members evaporated in a blinding flash of red light and heat. I ran quickly, not returning fire, lest I draw their attention. We dashed for ten minutes, and then we saw it. A huge hole, a explosion hole larger than the super bowl.

And filled with fighting animals and hork-bajir and taxxons. Apparently, the animorphs had attacked before we did. Then, the ELF charged in.

A hork-bajir rushed me, and was reduced to pulp by the shotgun blast. Another round automatically chambered, and I fired again. Two taxxons exploded into gore. Bullets and dracon beams burned and whistled through the air and found targets on both sides. Ahead, the bugs swarmed, not shooting due to the fact of hitting their own soldiers. Then, out of the cloud cover, something came.

Something big.

The pool ship.

Jax moaned, “Oh ****,” and fired at a taxxon, killing it. Alexia was in the thick of the fight with three others, she was fighting with a dracon beam in one hand, and a long knife in the other. Me and Jax moved as a team, and cut down to aliens, and then another three. But Several ELF was dead as well. Cut down by alien energy and blades. I pumped another round into a hork-bajir and disintegrated it. Then, something knocked me to the ground, and pulled away my gun. A taxxon was holding on to me, and my gun was in its mouth. The butt disappeared and it raised it mouth over my head. I drew a dirk, and ran it through.

Skreeee-awwww! It shrieked as its guts spilled out. It fell down, and started eating itself. I looked in disgust, and turned around and vaped another alien. I drew my longsword and a pistol, and decapitated another hork-bajir, and shot a human controller. He fell, bleeding profusely. Then, pain.

“Augh!” I shrieked as a hork-bajir arm blade sliced my arm open. I staggered to the side, and faced him. He grinned his goblin nightmare grin, and lunged. I side stepped and cut. He fell. In two pieces. I looked at the cut. It had sliced through flesh and close to the bone. It had cut so fine, it was in-between arteries. Some minor bleeding only. I ignored it. There was a battle to fight.       

Our soldiers banded together into packs, and moved around, firing and slashing. The enemy was falling, but so were we. Then, over the radio, a voice shouted.

“All forces, retreat into those tunnels ASAP!” I turned, cut down another alien, and charged into a tunnel close to me. Jax and Alexia followed. Another ran, but was leapt on by a Taxxon. Screaming in terror and agony, he went down. The Taxxon was on him, ripping and tearing. His screams silenced as the murderous worm bit his neck open. I shuddered, and shot the filthy snake. It screeched, fell down, and started eating its organs spilling out. That was the worst death anyone could face, death by Taxxon. Shark bites? Hork-bajir blades? Pah! No kind of agony compared to a taxxon gnawing on your leg. Like being stabbed with a thousand white hot needles, which then tear and rip your flesh and bone away. I kept on moving down the tunnel, and then, in front of me, a taxxon! I grabbed a knife, and a voice in my head said.

<Don’t shoot! Follow me to safety. Stay here and you shall surely die> I lowered my knife, and followed. What other choice was there?

“Conner, don’t be stupid!” I saw Jax hiss at me.

“It’s one Taxxon, let’s just go!” He sighed, and followed, Alexia behind him.           

The taxxon led me to a cavern full of other Taxxons. Then, I saw a human.

Jake the animorph.

I walked over to him, and said. 

“Well, well, Jake the yeerk killer. Captain Conner Herons, of the Earth Liberation Force, happy to make your acquaintance.”   

“Hello, please, do not use the term, ‘yeerk killer.’”

“Fine, I won’t. Mind telling me about all these Taxxons?”

“They are the Taxxon resistance force, their leader is an andalite nothlit called Arbron.” I shuddered at the thought being stuck as a taxxon with that eternal hunger. I talked with Jake, and he gave me the full update. Of them destroying the pool, a deal with his controller brother, getting a military force to assist them, and the final preparation for the final attack on the pool ship. He talked to the general on the radio and convinced him to use the remaining five hundred ELF soldiers in a diversion attack. The military troops would attack one side, and us ELF would come out of the tunnels and create hell. I walked off, passed the word on to Jax an Alexia, and walked off to get some sleep, positive I would die tomorrow.

The next morning, I got up, geared up, and moved out with the rest of the ELF. We moved toward the entrance of the now heavily guarded tunnels, and hid out of site around corners. We waited for sounds of death the sound of people dying.


There, a dracon beam fired, and I tossed a grenade out the entrance.

BOOM! It exploded, shredding the guards. We poured out, and opened up on the yeerks. Our six jets attacked the bug fighters, and destroyed six and began engaging in lethal combat with them. The pool ship fired at the advancing infantry and auxiliary animorphs. I fired my guns, and slashed with my sword. Humans and aliens died that day, their charred and slashed corpses piled like firewood. I fought on, numb to the slaughter around me. All that I could think was about killing the enemy, about cutting them up, about revenge on the species that had caused humanity so much pain and grief.

Then, I saw Jax. He was screaming. But not in pain, he was screaming at something else. I looked were he was looking, and saw a Hork-bajir. In its claws, was a blonde, Miranda, one of the nicest soldiers you had ever met. She was bloodied and knocked out and the Hork-bajir was holding her in his claws grinning wickedly. With a shriek like that of a wounded animal, I saw Jax charge at the alien, a pistol in one hand and a machete in the other. But it was his eyes that terrified me, blood red. Like the veins had burst and had flooded the liquid into his eyes. But he screamed his throat raw and charged madly, cutting wildly. The hork-bajir looked at him with amusement, which turned into concern, and finally fear. Jax was ten feet from him, and ran out of bullets for his gun. Brandishing the machete in both hands, he screamed again and landed in front of the seven foot alien, and swung.

The blade hacked through flesh and bone, severing the arm. Then, quick as lightning, he swung, laying Jax’s arm open from thumb to shoulder. But that horrific wound didn’t stop him, and he swung again, and hacked halfway through the aliens’ leg, then pulled it out and swung again, tearing the mutilated limb off. The alien fell to the ground, and looked at him, terror in his eyes. I heard him hiss under his breath, voice heavy with hate and disgust.

“Die, you worthless, rotten on of a ****!” With that, he stabbed the hork-bajir through its heart. The creature stiffened, and collapsed. Jax pulled his weapon out, and spat on the corpse. He walked over to Miranda, and picked her up gently, and said.

“It’s ok babe, you’re safe.” He was going to say more, but than I saw movement. A human-controller aiming a dracon beam at Jax. I screamed.

“No!” Time seemed to slow down. I drew my throwing knife, and hurled it. As it cut through the air, I saw his finger tighten, and squeeze.

Tseeeeew! The spear of energy cut through the air, and hit Jax in his back. He fell without a sound. The knife hit the controller in his neck, killing him immediately. I ran over to Jax, and turned him over. There was a hole clean through him. He looked at me, eyes glazing, and smiled.

“Conner, you rascal. You let me do all your fighting for you.” I replied, nearly in tears.

“Come on Jax, let’s try to get you off this battlefield, the medics will fix you up.”

“Don’t talk stupid you ass-hole, nothing can fix this hole. I ain’t gonna last much longer. Then, I heard Mirandas voice.

“No Jaxen, please, don’t die! You have so much to live for, I’m here, please, I can’t watch you die like this, no, you will live!”

“No, I won’t doll. I’m dead almost. Now, please promise me one thing.”


“Take care of the kid and that lunk over there.” He said, motioning to me. Then, he turned back to face me.

“Conner, I know we’ve had touch times, but we made it through, more or less. Now, I want you to make sure nothing, nothing! He said with fierceness.

“Nothing! Ever. Happens, to her.” He pointed to Miranda. I nodded, slowing a growing lump in my throat.

“Conner, please, just live for everything there is after this war. Live, and cherish every morning. We took things like life for granted back then. Never, ever, make that mistake again.” I nodded, tears spilling, and he coughed. He said in a fading voice.

“Conner, if there is an afterlife, if there is heaven or hell, I will meet you one day. So, until then. Good by-.” His voice died and he slumped down, pasty white a glazed expression in his eyes. I ignored the fighting around me; in fact, I didn’t realize that the fighting was over. All I looked at was Jax’s dead face, looking at the sky. I turned and saw Miranda, weeping. I started too, we both wept and wept. We wept until our eyes were red, then, we wept more. I finally stopped, and turned to Miranda.

“Miranda, what happened between you and Jax?” Swallowing her tears, she replied shakily.

“We fell in love, we made love, and we loved each other with all our hearts.”

“Why did Jax never tell me?” I had known Jax liked Miranda, but not that he went all the way.

“I don’t know. He just made me swear never to tell anyone.”

“Wait, Jax said to take care of the kid. What kid?”

“Well, our kid. I’m pregnant.” I just sat there in a stupor. Why Jax never told me about his intimate relationship, I’ll never know. But you know what? I don’t care. The war is over know, and I have Alexia. She was devastated over Jax’s death, and we both attended his funeral. That day, was the sadest day in human history, at least in my opinion.


Well, after the yeerks surrendered at earth. There was a lot of commotion, especially when the andalites landed. For a few days, life was hectic. I was national hero, along with the animorphs and the rest of the ELF. But five days later, I found some free time, and I heard the words I’d never thought I survive to hear.

“And I pronounce Husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Yep, I and Alexia got married. Miranda had twins, and moved in with us in our new castle-sized super house. Of course there was huge talk now of the future of earths military and future. The andalites gave us z-space engine technology, and humanity started construction of a space fleet. The new global military branch, the United Earth Stellar Control, or the UESC, was being rapidly formed. Within ten years, new stuff was happening. Talk about taking the fight to the yeerk fleet, and driving them back to their home-world. I was thrown in command, along with Alexia, of earth’s first Space war vessel. The honor of naming it was given to me. Instead of all the suggested names like, Discovery, Unity, or Liberty, I named it the perfect name, and Alexia agreed. So, Earth’s first war vessel went into orbit, commanded By Captain Conner Herons of the UESCS Jaxen.

To be continued in ELF: Next Generation.
"Now I can't speak for everyone; at least not until 'The Device' is completed."

- Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw