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RAF Donate - Keep RAF Alive

Perks for Donors ($US 5 - $9.99):
Position lasts for 6 months

Donators will be promoted to Donator on RAF.
Donators will be placed on the leaderboard here on RAF Donate.
Donators will have 1000 personal message space.
Donators will be able to move and lock their posts on RAF Forum.
Donators can hide their online status on RAF Forum.
Donators will be given 10 karma points.
Donators can change their font color permanently!
Donators will have access to their own board on RAF Forum.

Perks for Silver Donors ($US 10 - $49.99):
Position lasts for 1 year

In addition to the above...
Silver Donors will receive 20 Karma points


Perks for Gold Donors ($US50+):
Position lasts forever

In addition to the above...
Gold Members will be given 50 karma points.
Gold Members will have unlimited personal message space.
Gold Members will have no advertisements on RAF Forum.
Gold Members' user-name will be a gold color on RAF Forum.

Donate via PayPal

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